Sunday, June 20, 2010

Today, I hate how I'm ALWAYS waiting for you.

Don't go. Please stay. Don't you remember? You said forever.

True friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient, it's about being there when it's not.

Maybe I need some rehab or maybe just need some sleep.

They call me heart breaker.

Welcome to Broken Hearted Airlines. Thank you for crashing and burning with us tonight.

Ain't got no money in my pocket but I'm already here.

It's a sad feeling to expect the worst from the people who mean the most.

Maybe it's the only way we can finally stand on our own. You know, to hurt each other so much that we have no choice.

Everyone says that love hurts, but that's not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality, love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes someone feel wonderful again.

Never look down on somebody unless you're helping them up.

At the end of the day, you either focus on what's tearing you apart or what's keeping you together.

Before I knew you, I was like a completely different person. Not even a person, really. I had seen what love could do to people, and it was hurt and sadness. Alone was better. And then, suddenly there was you, and you knew me. You saw me, and it was this thing. You make me feel safe and warm. So, I get it now. I finally get love, I really do.

Look at me with those cinematic eyes.

The truly painful goodbyes are the ones never said, never explained.

Doors get so much louder when you're trying to sneak out.

I remember everything.

One of the most important things in life to learn is that promises can be broken as quickly as they were made.

I believe the most difficult situation you can ever be faced with is deciding whether you should just move on or hold on a little tighter. Move on and maybe you'll lose a chance at the best thing that could have ever happened, or hold on and have the possibility of one day being the biggest disaster created.

I'll admit it, you weren't worth it.

People who don't know what they're doing shouldn't stand in front of the people who do.

It's funny how we always find ourselves running back to the ones we swore we'd leave behind. There is always this kind of magic thing. Keeps us turning around.

I hope you cry.

I think its absolutely heartbreaking how, some days, I don't even laugh.

The funny thing about words is that people say so many of them that you forget which ones you said first, which ones you repeated, which ones you meant, and which ones just came out.

Someday, someone is going to thank you for letting me go.

You walk around like you're okay. Maybe you're not, at least not today. The sun's not shining, but there's no rain. This feeling of missing you is driving me insane.

Everyone gets great ideas in the shower, but only a few will step out, dry off, and make them happen. Live inspired.

A people free to choose will always choose peace.

Are you being safe in life? Because I worry about you a whole awful lot.

The struggle of doing what you love far outweighs the comfort of settling for anything less.

A woman's heart should be so hidden in God, a boy needs to seek God to find her.

You decide every moment of every day who you are, what you stand for, and what you believe in.
He said "I didn't mean to break your heart," and before he could finish she replied with "I didn't mean to fall in love either, but we all make mistakes."

Hi Everyone! It's Jessica... As you probably guessed considering Susel isn't with us anymore]: There was no fighting or big break up... We just realized that this meant more to me than to her. It was kind of a blessing in disguise though because Susel will have a lot going on for her next year. We talked a little about setting her up with her own blog but that's still pending. Of course, she'll always be my quote-buddy and one of my best friends but she won't be my partner anymore.
I'm sorry this has taken so long... I went to camp this past week and I had so much fun! The people were amazing and we all grew religiously and morally:] I missed my quotes though.
Count on an update next Wednesday... A special love quote one because it will be celebrating my boy's and my ninth month mark:]
Some big things are coming for this blog, hopefully. I'm trying to get some flyers out in local boutiques and shoe stores and we're looking for some sponsors. So keep your fingers crossed!
You should leave a comment by clicking on the title of the post (Today, I hate how I'm ALWAYS waiting for you.) and scroll down. The comments let me know that there's someone out there reading... Maybe.
Thank you all very much for giving me encouragement to do this.
Love, Jessica:]

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Today, I hate change.

True love is when someone comes along and knows what to do with your heart's broken pieces.

People can live one hundred years without really living a minute.

So, please, just be patient. I'm so afraid to care about someone.I know it seems like I'm this strong girl who can get through everything, but inside I'm very fragile. I've had so many things thrown at me, and each one has only made a crack. What I'm afraid of is shattering.

The two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.

True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.

And then I did what I had never done in his presence, much less in his arms. I cried.

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful.

The saddest people I've ever met in life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all.

It's when I'm standing six feet away from you and not being able to find the words to tell you how much I love you and how much I miss you that I want to just scream to the whole room that I'm still in love with you. It's when I'm sitting alone with the phone in my hand dialing your number and hanging up that I would trade a thousand tomorrow's for just one yesterday. Then I could just call you to tell you goodnight. It's when I am really sad about something and need someone to talk to that I realize you're the only one who really knew me at all. It's when I cry myself to sleep at night and it hits me how much I would give to see you at that very moment. It's when I think about you that I realize no one else in the world is meant for me.

Won't you let me see you smile?

You're too tired to fight and too scared to run.

I hate it when people say they have given up on love. And it's always because they think that love has hurt them when in actuality, it was a person, it was a thing, a wrong decision, a bad mistake, an accident. So don't let go of love, hold on because I promise you it's always worth your while.

"If you leave me, I'll never make it alone."

"I doubt that."

There's a difference between letting go and pretending you've forgotten.

This might be my last chance, so maybe I should take it. I just hope you're listening to everything I'm saying. I miss the long drives, the car rides, the bad fights, the good times. The way you make me feel will never leave my mind. So quit your crying, and wipe the tears from your eyes. Cause the is 'see you later' - I'm not into goodbyes. Watch the brake lights as I leave your driveway. The warm nights will stay beside me no matter where I go.

Someone once said that death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live.

Everyone knows; the louder the music, the larger the problem has become.

It’s sad to say that the people who are madly in love will break apart, the criminals who kill will never get caught, the ones who deserve love the most will never get it, the one who wants more will only receive friendship, the ones who are the bravest hold the most scars and the ones who are the strongest always tends to fall.

Kept some letters by his bed, dated 1962. He had underlined in red, every single "I love you."

And somewhere between all the talking, the meaning faded out.

I felt something catch in my throat, a sudden surge or sadness that caught me unaware. It almost managed to take my breath away. That was the thing; you never got used to it. You never got used to the idea of someone being gone. Just when you think it's okay and you think you've accepted it, someone points it out to you and it hits you all over again, and it's just as shocking as the first time.

I don't like missing you but I love having you to miss.

If you travel here, listen to your heart and take with you what lasts forever.

A person is never as quiet or unrestrained as they seem, as bad or as good, as vulnerable or as strong, as sweet or as feisty. We are thickly layered, page lying upon page, behind simple covers. And love... it's not the book itself, but the binding. It can rip us apart or hold us together.

My only regret is that I couldn't give you enough reasons to stay.

We should make jerseys because we're such a good team.

I'm a girl but don't call me baby.

Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.

I feel like I owe everything to you because you were here when I had nothing.

Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that, it lights up the whole sky.

I can't stop thinking about what would've happened if we didn't give up on each other.

Promise me that she isn't your everything.

We'll wish this never ends.

What screws us up most in life is the picture of how things should be.

If it’s just a game, what are we crying for?

Here's my love, take it. Here's my soul, use it. Here's my heart, don't break it. Here's my hand, hold it and together we will make it forever.

I stopped breathing when you said you didn't care anymore.

There's no sense in regretting what's been said in our yesterdays. We can't take back what's done, but we can look ahead.

I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you, how good you look when you smile, how much I love your laugh. I daydream about you off and on, replaying our conversations, laughing at funny things you said or did. I've memorized your face and the way that you look at me. I catch myself smiling again at what I imagined. I wonder what will happen the next time we're together. And even though neither of us know what the future holds, I know one thing for sure, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Everyone runs away from what they don't understand.

Cry if you want to. That's what we all do.

I know I'm full of insecurities and disappointments, but there is a part of me worth keeping.

If it didn't really matter, you wouldn't spend so much time talking about it.

I have to leave but I will miss you.

If you never change your mind, why have one?

If I could show you how much you've hurt me, you would never be able to look me in the eyes again.

A face without freckles is like a sky without the stars.

And all I can think of is that night when I would have given up the world for you. And that same night when I watched you walk away.

We won't be leaving by the same road we came by.

I promised myself I'd never again find myself in a position where I'm not in control of my life.

You know, some people say life is short and that you could get hit by a bus at any moment and that you have to live each day like it's your last. Try new things. Feel new things. Live life like you have nothing to lose. Uh no. Life is long. You're probably not gonna get hit by a bus. And you're gonna have to live with the choices you make for the next fifty years.

You could be happy. I hope you are.

Broken hearts and tear-stricken eyes: all a result of his beautiful eyes.

You can't walk all over me and think a simple apology will fix it. Nothing can take back the words you said, yes I heard them all. You keep acting like everything is alright, but it won't be the same again.

You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly.

Please wear the face, the one where you smile.

life doesn't give the people you want, it gives you the people you need: to love you, to hate you, to make you, to break you & to make you the person you were meant to be.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

You know what it's like to be in love with you? It's like taking me to the top of the highest mountain, showing me then entire world, and telling me, "This is everything you can't have."

Every minute, every day, it’s automatically ok when I make it all about you.

You leave like its so easy to never look back.

It breaks my bones but I'm still standing.

I don't know who I am but I'm sure who I'm not.

But young love is adorable. The kind where a boy will do anything to sit next to that girl that he's had his eye on since the first day he met her.

I want to tell you how I feel about you, but I don't know what to say or how to put this feeling into a sentence for you to understand completely.

If you're born a lion, don't try to be tamed.

They say you never forget your first love. Now I know why. You never stop loving them.

Some women choose to follow men and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore.

I want to hold hands and waste Friday nights with you.

"My parents say my future is right on the horizon."

"Tell them the horizon is an imaginary line that recedes as you approach it."

I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

She loves you. It's about time you realize that.

There’s a light in my eyes but its too bright to see and a pain in my heart where you used to be. I guess I was wrong to think you were waiting for me...cause there's a light in your eyes, but it’s not burning for me.

You're my favorite reason to lose sleep.

Music's the only thing that makes sense anymore, man. Play it loud enough, it keeps the demons at bay.

Smile, please. You’re alive and full of magic.


Haigh! It's Princhesca. You should be able to tell by the Irish:] Haha. I'm super sorry it's taken so long to update. I have just been so busy lately! I know, I know, super lame excuse but its true! I got a job; I can't remember if I have already told everyone. It's not too rigorous.... Just a hostessing job at a local pizzeria... But its super fun and everyone there is very nice and funny. I've also been volunteering 8-1:30 at a pre-school Bible study camp. Alina helped me Monday and my boy has been helping me Tuesday-Thursday and is going to help me tomorrow. We've already been dating eight 1/2 months.... Man, time flies! He's so amazing. He makes my day every single day.... I could go on and on about him but basically, he's the most amazing guy in the whole world and he's all mine:] Also, I'm going to camp next week so expect no updates Monday-Friday.

Also, it was Alina's birthday a few days ago.... She's officially fifteen:]

Anyways, thanks so much for reading. We practically have 2,000 views!

We love you so much (but would love you more if you commented...) Haha!

-Jessica Princhesca and Susel Alina:]

P.S. If you have a facebook, you should like our page by clicking right here.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today, I hate not getting to see you.

I miss you. Whenever something funny happens, I want to tell you.
Sometimes you meet somebody and you know that whatever you did before it must have been right, cause nothing you've done could be too bad or have gone too far wrong since it led you to this person.
Sunsets were never so bright and the skies never so blue. You opened up into my arms and we laughed as I held you.
What do you want to do before you die?" 
"I want to marry you."*
You are hope and change and things worth fighting for. This is all your story and your story isn't over.
She dealt the cards and got all hearts. She folded and said, "I don't deal with love."
It's amazing to know you exist.
Being broken hearted is like having broken ribs. On the outside it looks like nothing is wrong, but every breath hurts.
I traced our names in the fogged up window and watched them fade away, just like we did.
I'll never let you go.
I’m so in love, every time I look at you my soul gets dizzy.
Part of me wanted to confront him and demand to know everything. While I was lying in bed, I had imagined what I would say. But I knew myself too well to think I would actually follow through with it.
There is no "we" in summer. Only "u" and "me". 
Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Make you wanna move your dancing feet.
"What do you really want?" I asked him impatiently. "You, I want you." he replied. I wasn't buying it. I turned to walk away, when he stopped me. "I want that part of you, that gets excited when you hear the ice cream truck. The part that cries when old people die in movies. The part that cares much more than what she wears. The part where she can totally be herself. The part that when I look at her, I only see her. The part where she could never give up a stuffed animal, 'cause she'll feel bad for it. The part where she wants me too. That's what I really want."
Summer is where the girls go barefoot and their hearts are just as free as their toes.
Don't feel bad. Its not like I cried myself to sleep that night. Of course I didn't feel abandoned and hurt. And if it seemed like my world was falling apart, it surely wasn't. Because its not like I care all that much for you anyways.
If someone breaks your heart, just punch them in the face. Oh sure, it seems obvious now, but you'd be amazed at how many people don't think of it when it's relevant. Seriously, just punch them in the face and go get some ice cream.
Too much of you is never enough.
I love those hugs, the ones where he picks me up off the ground and when he swings me around for a while, and then gently sets me down and kisses me on the top of my head. Yeah, I like those ones.
Now that summers over and it turns into the fall, it seems as though I lost you. I don't mean anything at all. Yet somehow now I don't miss a thing; you were just another summer fling.
Scream me a love song.
Maybe I like you because you're a lot like me. or well, you're a lot like me but then in a better way. Plus, you're everything I'm not. you're just like me, but then a thousand times better.
Here's to the nights where the sand is your seat, the waves kiss your feet, your friends outnumber the stars, and even the chilliest of nights are still warmer than the cold one in your hand.
One day your name just didn't make me smile.
Girls get jealous, it's normal. When boys get jealous, lucky the girl he loves, you know why? Only few boys know how to be loyal.
If we're always looking in the rear view mirror it's hard to keep our eyes on the road ahead.
I feel like I need everyone else more than they need me.
You think you know your possibilities and then someone comes into your life and all of the sudden, there's so many more.
"I had a boyfriend who told me I'd never succeed, never be nominated for a Grammy, never have a hit song, and that he hoped I'd fail. I said to him, 'Someday, when we're not together, you won't be able to order a cup of coffee at the f***** deli without hearing or seeing me.'"-Lady GaGa
She was sad, though. But it was a hopeful kind of sad. The kind of sad that just takes time.
I may not have the prettiest face for you to look at or the skinniest waist for you to hold but I do have the biggest heart to love you with.
Just like Barbie, always smiling, even if she doesn't want to.
I regret burning that bridge every day of my life.
I'm sorry if I made you cry, I'm sorry if tears fell from your eyes; that wasn't what I intended to do. Just remember that all the tears that fell from your eyes, fell from mine too.