Thursday, April 30, 2009

It gets old being beautiful, ya know?

This post is going to be a little different. This is what I think being in love is (at least for teenagers).

Teenage Love
  • Its when you write love notes to one another even though you see each other all of the time.
  • Its when you yawn and your eyes water and you crave sleep all day but don't regret talking on the phone/texting/IMing/myspacing them all night.
  • Its when you don't have to have a reason to laugh with them.
  • Its when you give each other piggy back rides in public.
  • Its when you push each other on the swings.
  • Its when you kiss each other on the noses.
  • Its when you still get butterflies, even though you've known them for forever.
  • Its when holding hands feels like you're holding onto everything.
  • Its getting caught making out in the movie theaters.
  • Its when they burn the cookies they made for you and you eat them anyways.
  • Its just relaxing around them.
  • Its the feeling you get when their arms are wrapped around you.
  • Its the arguments you have on what color towels your future home will hold.\
  • Its when you make fun of each other.
  • Its taking too many pictures.
  • Its commenting silly things on their Myspace page and not caring who reads them.
  • Its blowing off your reading homework because you're busy talking on the phone.
  • Its getting your braces stuck together.
  • Its the silly faces you earn when you tell her she's beautiful.
  • Its holding hands way past the point of "kinda sweaty."
  • Its slow dancing in the middle of nowhere.
  • Its watching stupid movies just because they like them.
  • Its smelling their hair and getting caught.
  • Its the irresistible guilty smile you catch on their face when you turn around too quickly.
  • Its the first date.
  • Its the singing when you know you're not good at it.
  • Its the surprise flowers after a stressful test.
  • Its the idiotic jokes told to get their mind off of a sad thoughts.
I hope you all have a teenage love story to tell in the future. I'll just have to wait for my junior year.

"There is nothing quite like teenage love. When else can you act completely ridiculous in public?"


PS. These are all inspired by cute stories from my friends and their lovers.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I hear people say, Baby, so sweet.

Sorry about the nonexistant updates. My computer was being... special.

Porque, nadie pueda discutir con amor.
(Because no one can argue with love.)

I wrote
him a note saying, "I wish you knew what it feels like to be obsessed." He wrote me back saying, "what if I do?" and he smiled.


You've got to dance 'til your dance through.


She said, do you remember me? I said, only ever memory.


"Why is your heart beating so fast?"

"I'm sitting next to a pretty girl."


I wonder how many times we'll say goodbye before we really leave.


One moment can change your mind, one look can change your heart, and one person can change your destiny.


I was leaning on you, lacing both our hands when i made up my mind that I wasn't going to give up on you, ever. I'm falling more in love with every single word you say.


"This is so cliche."

"What? Beauty and the beast?"


"You're just another teenage romantic."

"And you're point is...?"

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Smile, life is good :]

"I like to hear the sound of your voice. It makes me feel safe."
"I like to hear the sound of you breathing."

So basically we're epic. We belong on pages of books together and on the sets of movies. We're something like a riot.

"Do the best friends ever end up together?"
"Nothing works out as planned."


Don't be afraid of the shadows. It only means that there's a light nearby.

You're the first guy I've been with since all that stuff went down with me and him. And honestly, I'm glad I waited this long, because I feel like now I'm really ready to be with you. And I feel like we both deserve this.

Happiness is when you get a first kiss. find a four leaf clover. recieve a love letter. wake up in a great mood. fall in love. see the sun shining. find you're new favorite band. realize what you've been missing. see someone you haven't seen in forever. have wonderful dreams. meet a new friend. read a fabulous book. find exactly what you're looking for - in the place that you least thought it would be.

Sometimes someone comes into your life that changes everything. Raises your standards, makes you laugh, and makes you feel like you. There's something about him that you can't put into words, and even though you're not even with him, you don't want to let him go.**

Here’s to starry nights and careless freedom, to glowing cheeks and laughter that heals you deep inside.

Midnight air, stars above. Your hand in mine, we're so in love. I can't imagine what the world could be, without you in my life, holding me.

Here's to the future because I'm done with the past.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

But you'll always be his girl.

"Please... Just close your eyes and imagine someone beautiful."
"I'll imagine no one but you."
-Good Luck Chuck


The wind blows through her hair as the love of her life pushes her on a swing. Time passes in slow motion, as she never imagines herself anywhere else.


If we were not meant to give things another try our paths and our thoughts would not keep crossing and we would not keep tripping over our feelings for each other.


Ships are safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships were made for.


The worst part of being told a lie is knowing you're not worth the truth.


"Don't you understand? You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!"

- Peter Pan


"When I'm with you. I- I don't feel so alone."

- Hercules


You probably won't remember the test you failed, but chances are you will never forget the person you were with the night when you decided not to study.


They say we're too young to fall in love but they're too old to remember.


There's always that one person, no matter how long it's been or how badly
they've treated you, if they say "I love you", you will always say it back.

Friday, April 24, 2009

"You look tired." "I'm a teenager. It's expected."

Hey everyone! This is my new blog! It'll just have quotes. I'll try to make it at least ten a day. I hope you comment because I want to know what you guys like!

Love always,
Jess. <3

"You've got a swagger, kid."
"Yeah but I know you're falling for it."


What if the guy you secretly love tells you that he has already found that special someone, that he wants to spend forever with? Would you be brave enough to ask him who it was? Or bear the pain inside, not knowing that it was you after all?


He looked at me and said, "Do you ever feel like you're working for something you're never going to get. You shoot and miss kind of deal like, no matter what you can't have it, but that makes you fight for it just a little bit more?" I looked at him, stared at him for a second and replied, "Everyday..."


It's amazing how every girl has that one guy that could call her up, at 3 in the morning, and say "lets hang out, I'm coming to get you" and she'll put aside whatever she's doing and say, "Give Me 10 Minutes"


She's got this subtle beauty where she knows what you're thinking but she doesn't let you know she's got you figured out


If this is what you want, I’m fine with that but please don’t ever come back, you had your chance.


Never bother a girl listening to her ipod. She wants to be alone, not bothered. She's in her own world, where the only thing going through her head is music. A world where worries don't exist. She's tuning the whole "real" world out.


I know we don't talk much, and sometimes we even walk right past each other without saying one word but then there's those times when our eyes meet and I know deep down, you're missing me as much as I’m missing you.


You change for two reasons; either you learn enough that you want to, or you've been hurt enough that you have to.


I saw you with her, & I actually smiled..I smiled cause I knew you were happy, & even though you have her now, she won't be around forever, but I will.