Saturday, May 16, 2009

Live Long & Prosper

Sorry it's been so long. My life got a little chaotic.
Here we go.



She fakes a smile and presses her lips into his. He keeps his hands pinned down at his sides. He's holding back from telling her exactly what it really feels like.


I should have known that we'd never get anywhere. You can't fall in love when you're falling apart. And you can't make amends if you're only making mistakes. Empty words can't fix a broken heart.


I hate how everyone compares love to Romeo and Juliet. Did anyone ever actually read that play? They met for two minutes, started hitting it off, & later on spoke briefly at a balcony. They were married three days later. Three days?! Keep in mind they hardly spoke then got married, did the big deed, and long story short, they died. They were just lust. I bet Juliet didn't even know Romeo's favorite color much less his birthday. I don't want a relationship like that. I want one where I know everything about him, one that’s more important than looks.


It's so weird, you know? How we always inevitably find ourselves wanting to run back to the ones we used to love, for some reason thinking it would work out differently the second time around.


She's 15 and her lips are still unkissed, her hands are still unheld, and no guy has ever told her he loved her and meant it. she's beautiful, but she's losing confidence because no guy has ever taken the time to tell her.


The reason he'd broken up with her was, ironically, for her own good. He knew that if he asked her to drop everything and follow him across the earth, she'd do it ; if the roles were reversed, though, he wouldn't. They were at different places in the same relationship, and like anything that's out of alignment, they were destined to crash sooner or later. by taking care of it early -- gently, he liked to think -- he was only trying to keep her from getting her heart broken even harder.

Only six today.

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