Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today, I hate good intentions.

You are like the brightest, most beautiful sunset to me.
This time it’s different. I'm not eating ice cream. I’m eating a hamburger. I’m not watching the notebook. Instead I’m watching spongebob. I’m not listening to taylor swift. I’m blasting some 30H!3. This time it’s different; it was my fault. 
When I was a kid, most of the advice that my dad gave me was crap. But there's one thing that he said that was pure genius... he said, if you're ever with a girl that's too good for you, marry her. 
There are some things in this world you rely on, like a sure bet. And when they let you down, shifting from where you've carefully placed them, it shakes your faith, right where you stand.
Drop a heart, break a name.
You can't just plan a moment when things get back on track, just as you can't plan the moment you lose your way in the first place.
This is awkward. If I go away, so will the awkwardness.
Miss her when she's not there.
I like dead end signs. they're kind. They at least have the decency to let you know you're going nowhere.
There's just something about you I'm afraid to lose because I know I won't find it in anyone else.
I love you but I'm not the answer to the questions that you still have.
It may be just a smile but it gets me everytime.
If you're going to love me, love me deeply. If you're going to break my heart, break it completely.
If you’re asking if I need you, the answer is forever. If you’re asking if I’ll leave you, the answer is never. If you’re asking what I value, the answer is you, and if you’re asking if I love you, the answer is I do.
You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip.
Even though you are a liar, if you told me, right now, that you loved me and that you were sorry, I'd believe you.
The greatest revenge to a woman who stole your man is to let her have him because the best man could never be stolen. 
Today I asked my parents how long they'd been married. My dad looked at my mom and said, "Not long enough."
Every sport has its limits and its rules. We can try to bend the rules, defend the rules, expand the limits, but eventually, the game will snap back to the way it was meant to be played.
She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad. And that's important--you know.
The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older, we just had to forgive ourselves for growing up.
Music expresses that which cannot be said, and which cannot be suppressed.
"You don't have very good luck do you?" "Not about things that matter"
You'll try your whole life to understand how a single person can affect you as much as they do, but you'll never figure it out.
When you love someone, you'll do anything. You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain. You'll shoot the moon, put out the sun, when you love someone.
"Do you think he's reading this?" "Sometimes I hope he does"
I never want you to think that you are anything less than amazing.
She did not giggle wildly and blush when she saw him, nor did she chalk his name on trees or write it on the walls of the bridge. She simply lived with his face in her heart.
Each of us represents a star in heaven. Sometimes we shine with the rest, sometimes we twinkle alone and sometimes, when we least expect it, we make someone's dreams come true.
And theres no way I would be able to describe the way I feel when I'm next to you. It's more than the butterflies and the week knees, even though thats partly it...It's like my heart is trying to jump out into your hands saying, "Hold me! Hold me! Don't leave 'cause I'm so afraid this feeling will leave me again'"
I'm shaking at your touch, I like you way too much.
I just remembered how your hand fits the curve of my waist, and how your smile fits the curve of my mind.
When you walk into a crowded room, I want to be the first person you look for.
Whatever our souls are made up of, his and mine are the same.
When eagles forget how to fly, and it's 20 below in July, and when violets turn red and roses turn blue, I'll still be in love with you.
Let's just sit together and see how long nothing lasts
When you have moments like that one you can't even imagine it won't stay that way.
You've got wits, you've got looks, you've got passion, but are you brave enough to leave with me tonight?
I was singing along, as I usually do, and I realized I was singing about you.
I spend 23 hours a day wondering whether we’re wrong for each other, wondering whether we've got the energy that we need to get through everything that we seem to get into, whether the baggage we both bring would sink a small ship. But in the 24th hour, I realize I’ve been thinking about her for 23 hours and I come back to there's something about her, I can’t stay away from. Something about her, that makes me want to love her.
"The only thing you taught me is that words can be beautiful."

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