Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today, I love my boyfriend.

I believe in the fairy-tale kind of love. Don't you dare tell me it doesn't exist.
Sometimes, people come into your life and you automatically know they're meant to be there.
His hello was the end of her endings. Her laugh was the first step down the aisle. His hand would be hers to hold forever. His forever was as simple as her smile. He said she was what was missing. She said she instantly knew. She was a question to be answered, and his answer was I do.
Would you put a block in front of the blind?
There's a reason why two people come together and stay together: they give each other something that can't be found anywhere else.
"You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before, she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together. But if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being a human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break- her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more then she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there."
I thank my God every time I remember you. -- Philippians 1:3
God made the world round so that if you two people who are meant to be together should choose to take different paths in life, they would wrap around and end up right back to each other to meet again.
I like that you ramble when you're nervous. I like that you know you ramble when you're nervous. I like that I still make you nervous.
Look at that gorgeous smile:] According to Greek mythology, humans were created with four arms, four legs, and two faces. Zeus, fearing their power, split them in two; condemning them to spend the rest of their lives in search for their other halves.
The thing about us is that we're friends. Well, maybe we're not just friends but the base of all we know is friendship. He may think I'm beautiful but he'll still tease me about how he has to look down to see me. And we may cuddle up and watch movies, but we'll still laugh and make jokes about every line. We may hold hands, but we also get into fake fights and I know he lets me win every time. He gets mad when I don't think high of myself and I get mad when he won't tell me what's wrong. We know more about each other than anyone and maybe that's the thing that makes it so perfect. He's not just the friend or the lover, he's the missing piece to my puzzle.
The thing I love the most about you is you're not just my boyfriend. You're my best friend too.
She's falling hard for a boy with a bad reputation. But that doesn't matter. When they're together, he's nothing like they say. And ultimately, he's going to find out. How you chew, how you sip, how you dance, how you smell at every point in the day. The fact that most of your friends are shallow. That you hate sitting in an aisle seat. How you don't really like chocolate, how you get hyper when you travel, how certain games or shows make you really happy. How cranky you get when you're tired, how you think you look bad in all of your pictures. He's going to know everything about you. And you know what? He's still going to love you.
They say we're too young to be in love but they're just too old to remember.
And for just a moment, they weren't heroes, they weren't different -- just a boy and a girl, looking up into their little piece of forever.
One of the things I'm proud of in life is I'm never afraid to tell you I love you. I probably tell you ten times a day. I say it in the morning, in text messages, while we're on the phone, while we're kissing, while we're laughing, while we're hyper and while we're tired. Most importantly though, I tell you when you're annoying me or when I'm upset or we're fighting. That's important, ya know?
If I died tomorrow, I would marry you today.
With every single letter and every single word, there will be a hidden message of a boy who loves a girl.
It sounds really made up, I know, but I'm serious. I dreamed that we were in the mall and while you were getting your make-up done, I went to the jewelry store and bought you a ring. I can't remember anything we said but I remember how happy we were -- like nothing could stop us.
Don't hold a grudge, baby. Try my hand instead:]
He said, "You make my organs sloosh around inside of me." I blushed, flattered, when I really should have been calling 911. You stand by me and believe in me like nobody ever has. When my world goes crazy, you're right there to save me. You make me see how much I really have.
I love it when, in the middle of our kiss, I can feel you smiling.
You have so much magic in you and I would never hold that back.
You know when you're singing along with this song, and you know all the words cause you really love it. Then a train passes and a door closes, and you can't hear the music anymore, but you keep singing anyway. Then, when you can hear it again, you're still perfectly in time with it. Well, that's what love is.
It's not going to be the easiest thing to accept but it's better than losing you.
You know that you've got something special when the love quotes finally make you smile.
The thing that was different about last night was that I had no more excuses or reasons. I had no pretty words to soothe your soul. I couldn't brush it over and say it was in the past because its very real. It’s very much a part of me. I showed you who I was and, when presented with the choice, you decided to stay and love me for who I am.
It doesn't matter how pretty my dreams are. You're still my favorite one.
What would you do if the rain was pouring down, there were unlimited movies to watch, and I was trapped inside your house for the night?
You'll find the right guy, the one that tells you he dreams about you. That's the one you want to be with.
Did you swallow a magnet too? Because I can't pull away.
You and me... It was a really long time ago and we were just kids... But we really loved each other, right?
You are my sunshine, my little sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please, don’t take my sunshine away.
It felt good to have my hand back in yours.
Love is just a word until you find someone to give it a definition.
Every time we kiss it’s like BOOM! Fireworks. I can’t even explain it.
I dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried.
Today, I was on the bus, venting to my best friend; my date stood me up. I blamed it on my looks. As we got off, I heard a little boy say to his grandma, "I don't think she was ugly. I think she's pretty. I'd marry her."
It’s like that school girl kind of love. The kind when you chew your pen as you stare out the window and imagine you two getting married.
   Society is filled with spiteful women who think all men are horrible, using, manipulative chauvinists. There are many sweet, lovable guys out there, ladies! Don't give up. In fact, I have one all to myself and his name is Eli. :]
   I met Eli the first time when I was 11 years old. My best friend, Nicole, and I played soccer every recess we had in 5th grade and were planning on playing in middle school. To prepare, we enlisted in the soccer camp our local community college offered. We were split up into age groups and according to the specifications, Nicole and I were placed in the oldest group. That's where I met Eli for the first time. He was tan and could speak Spanish and I was infatuated by 11 year old standards. I never told Nicole though because I knew she would think I was silly. We ate lunch together and played on the same team and then at the end of the week, we said goodbye.
   One of my very good friends, Matt, went to the same school as Eli. A few months later, I asked him if he knew Eli. It turned out, I had already asked him if they were friends a couple of times. "What? Are you obsessed with him or something?" That's exactly what Matt said to me the third or fourth time I had asked. It became a little inside joke between us and as a new tradition, I asked Matt how Eli was every time I saw him.
   In seventh grade, due to my grandpa's incessant reasoning, I was signed up for a  Catholic youth group for middle school aged teens. Thank God that Matt was there, I remember thinking. At the first gathering, Matt took the time to point out that our good friend Eli was there but I was embarrassed and didn't want to be introduced to him. What kind of weird girl would remember someone she spent a week with over a year ago? I remember we played soccer one Saturday night and I saw him perform the move he wanted to learn at soccer camp. We may have had some small talk through the few months we attended the youth group together but we were never introduced.
   High school came around and I was accepted at a Catholic all-girls school, Notre Dame. Our sister school, Palma, an all-boys school, was down the road. We do various things with them such as share a track team, swim team, yearbook staff, band etc. As you can imagine, because we want coed dances, we partner up for those too. Traditionally, all the freshman at P and ND are invited to a freshmen mixer. I saw Matt and he introduced me to Eli, who he was hanging out with. He shook my hand. He had grown up and, again, I was instantly attracted. I carried on with the rest of the night, however, and didn't see Eli again.
   As a part of the whole high school experience, I attended most of the Friday night football games. Wanting to socialize with males, I tagged along with Matt in order to meet his friends. We sat down in the box seats and I tapped the guy in front of me. "What's your name?" I said. He turned around and I instantly recognized him. "I'm Eli. We've met." I started rambling about how stupid I was and that I knew that and yadda yadda yadda. We ended up sitting next to each other and I asked for his phone number. I texted him a few times but the conversations were short and sweet. 
   It had been established amongst my friends and I that I had a crush on Eli, though. After all he was nice and cute and funny and smart and athletic and... The next Friday, I tried to look my prettiest in hopes of catching his eye and maybe talking to him for a couple minutes. I couldn't believe my luck when we ended up sitting right next to each other within our congregated group of friends. We were having fun, flirting and chatting when I looked back and saw nobody behind us. All of my friends had ditched us and convinced his friends to do the same. I became mortified because I knew he knew I liked him and it seemed totally planned but we spent the rest of the football game together. Even though we were both embarrassed, we were enjoying each other's company too much to join another group. He even got me to hold both of his hands between mine. He told me his fingers were cold.
   After that, the relationship took the road you could imagine and on October 9, 2009 he asked me to be his girlfriend. :] I said yes, of course, and before he left, he introduced me to his mom and his sister (both of whom are extremely pretty). 
   Throughout the course of our relationship, we've had our ups and downs, of course. We've fought over stupid things like presents and we've fought over important things like our beliefs but we've worked it all out and we're still together. For everything he's done that's hurt me, (which, really, isn't very much) he's done a million things to make up for it. From the little things like calling me Honey and Sweetie and calling me every morning to make sure I'm up and calling me every night to tell me he loves me and wishes me sweet dream to the big things like leaving me a card, flowers, and a stuffed animal on my doorstep Valentine's day morning and taking me to Disneyland, my boy is continually the sweetest boy I've ever met. 
   We often talk about our futures together. We're planning on getting married. :] I know, I know, we're only fifteen but you never know what might happen:]
    Nine months and counting. I love my baby. :]
    Today (and everyday) I love my boyfriend. 

1 comment:

  1. You know that you've got something special when the love quotes finally make you smile.
    Baby, you're a beautiful author. :)
    P.S. I finally commented, just for you.
