It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.
"I only want to change one thing about you."
"What would that be?"
"Your last name."
I like to see people reunited, I like to see people run to each other, I like the kissing and the crying, I like the impatience, the stories that the mouth can’t tell fast enough, the ears that aren’t big enough, the eyes that can’t take in all of the change, I like the hugging, the bringing together, the end of missing someone.
Everyone has a best friend through all stages of life. Only a lucky few have the same one.
If a guy's going to take me on a date, it means a lot to me how he treats the waitress.
Women are made from a man's rib, not from his head to be superior, not from his feet to be walked on, but from his side to be equal. From under his arm to be protected, and from next to his heart to be loved.
Please understand that this isn't goodbye. This is "I can't stand you. Stay the hell away from me."
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
A friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though you're slightly cracked.
Hi everyone… Sorry I haven’t updated in so long… I’ve been taking the last month and thinking about my life and the life I want to have… I’ve been trying to become happier but you know what? I am happy. I admit, I do cry most nights, but that doesn’t mean I’m not happy. I’m just really sensitive and I think that’s perfectly fine. When I’m lying in bed at night, the events of the day run through my mind. So what if I cry a little bit about something someone said or something I failed at? If I don’t cry, then I can never really smile.
Blog speaking, I hope you like the new layout… This one’s a keeper for sure. I’m going to try something new… Ten quotes/ten photos every day! Can I do it? I sure will try. If you comment, I will be motivated. My current goal is just one little comment on this post. Once I get ten comments, from this moment on, I’m going to do a twenty five quote/photo update. Thanks everybody! Love, Jessy.
Love the blog:)