Friday, September 25, 2009

"Have fun with your little slut." "Actually, she's rather lovely."

One - Do whatever you want and if you'll regret it in the morning, sleep in late.
Two - I'm not a genius. I'm just a tremendous bundle of experience.
Three - Not all who wander are lost.
Bright City Photography Pictures, Images and Photos
Four - Be happy for this moment; this moment in your life. Where not all things are perfect, but all things feel right.
Five - Forget about all of the reasons why something won't work. All you need is one reason as to why it will.
Six - It's easier to be fighting against the world than it is to be fighting against yourself.
cool Pictures, Images and Photos
Seven - Don't hold a grudge; try my hand instead.
Eight - Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again. Don't make me change my mind or I won't live to see another day because a girl like you is impossible to find.
Nine - You might not end up where you thought you'd be but you'll always end up where you're meant to be.
Ten - "I think that someday I'm going to meet a sweet, smart, funny boy who will make me happy." "Really? Because I think that too."
Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I get to see him on Saturday.

1. Turn on the shower and lock the door. Fall upon the tile and cry once more. Grab a towel - muffle the sounds. Don't let a soul hear you break down.

Crayons Pictures, Images and Photos

2. Sometimes you need to stand up for what you believe in, even if you stand alone.

3. I'm not looking to fall in love. I just want someone to be my friend, to give me butterflies, to kiss me and to hold my hand. Someone to make me happy but not make me promise anything. Is that so wrong?

heels Pictures, Images and Photos

4. Road signs and street lights are what guide you on your way. Distance doesn't seem to matter much when you have big dreams at a young age.

5. Second chances, they don't ever matter. People never change. Once a whore, you're nothing more; I'm sorry that will never change.

Tranquility Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I was too scared to stop now I'm too scared to let go.

I've seen the truth and it doesn't make sense.

If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd probably start yelling out letters.

And all the books you've read have been read by other people.
And all the songs you've loved have been heard by other people.
And that girl that's pretty to you is pretty to other people.
And you know that if you looked at these facts when you were happy,
you would feel great because you are describing "unity."
It's like when you are excited about a girl and you see a couple holding hands,
and you feel so happy for them.
And other times you see the same couple,
and they make you so mad.
And all you want is to always feel happy for them because you know that if you do,
then it means you’re happy, too.

Lovely Pictures, Images and Photos

Some emotions don't make a lot of noise. It's hard to hear pride. Caring is real faint like a heart beat and pure love, why, some days it's so quiet, you don't even know it's there.

I think everybody needs a place to go when things become too much, a place where the world is the way you want it to be and if you had a choice, it's how you would've created it.

I'd like to read a story in the newspaper that ends with, "... but she was just having a bad dream, really she's okay."

(: Pictures, Images and Photos

Having a broken heart is a lot like having a broken rib. It looks like nothing from the outside but actually every breath hurts.

They say they're done. He has a new girlfriend and she has a new lover but you can see it in his face and hear it in her voice, they're not. Not yet.

I must have been absent the day they taught us goodbyes.

Lying was much easier than explaining. Its sweeter to tell them what they want to hear. After all, it should be the truth anyways.

lOVE Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Take me as I am, I'm tired of running.

Yo yo yo. This blog has been co-edited by Helene. :]

  1. Greater things have yet to come and greater things are yet to be done in this city.
  2. She gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind.
  3. Life is hard enough as it is without choosing someone who is difficult to share it with.
  4. "Of course God knew what would happen if they used their freedom the wrong way: apparently, he thought it worth the risk." C.S. Lewis
  5. Some people never get over their first loves and spend their whole life seeking the same thrill.
  6. She swears that there's no difference between the lies and compliments. Its all the same if everybody leaves her.
  7. I just hope that, one day you'll see me again and when you do, I hope your heart drops.
  8. People haven't always been there for me, but music always has.
  9. I suffer from girlnextdooritis. I'm always friends with the guy and that's it.
  10. I never want to see you unhappy. I thought you'd want the same for me.
beauty quote Pictures, Images and Photos

beauty quote Pictures, Images and Photos

beauty Pictures, Images and Photos

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just waiting for proof that there's sunsets and silhouette dreams

  • You fall in love with someone because of the tilt of their smile, or because they can make you laugh, or because they make you feel like you're the someone that can save them.
  • Just remember: if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
city lights Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he'll see all day.
  • A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.
love Pictures, Images and Photos

  • Well does he take you out dancing just to hold you a little closer? Dedicate a song with words in it just for you? He'll find a way to tell you with the little things he'll do. That's how you know he's your love.

SMILE Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cause all I do is think of you.

I often wish on stupid and pointless things but you, my dear, are not one of them.

If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go?

We're so fairytale, it makes people sick.

The butterflies in my stomach? They could bring me to my knees.

There's that one person you will never get over, no matter how long it's been.

Everybody hurts; you're not alone.

In a dresser drawer, there's a letter and its signed "forever yours."

I, myself, am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions.

You don't believe in forever, do you?

Our message is simple: where our music is welcome, we will play it loud. Where our music isn't welcome, we'll play it even louder.

I hate the fact that you say you miss me but you do nothing about it.

Everyone wants to be remembered for something but I just want to be remembered by you.

You give me the kind of feelings people write about in novels.

You sit there in heartache, waiting for some beautiful boy to save you from your old ways.

Don't forget the day we met. It changed history... at least for you and me.

Your lack of facebook pictures makes me wonder if you're shy, a wanted criminal or just extremely unattractive.

If I were your coworker I'd sexually harass you.

Since its your birthday, I'll grant your ridiculous request of barbecuing a veggie burger.

You make me laugh! Can you truthfully look at them and say you don't think they're more than friends?

All I can do is be me, who ever that might be.

twenty one.
Hey kid, the world's too big.

twenty two.
I'll walk on the dark side, just so I can see the stars.
Yes, I'd go to hell for them. Its sad what I'd do for beauty.

twenty three.

No offense, but if we had children, imagine how messed up they'd be. We just can't do that to society!

twenty four.
You remind me of the times when I knew who I was.

twenty five.
There's a wild side to every innocent face.