Friday, February 12, 2010

Today, I hate remembering Sunday,

Don't talk to her like that.
Now, I don't like using words like "forever" but I promise I'll love you until the end of today. And, in the morning, when I remember everything that you are, I know I'll fall for you again.
I plan on marrying that boy someday so he better plan his future accordingly.
You and I are going to be okay. You know that, right?
I want to meet a boy who will tell me that he thinks I look beautiful with my hair like this. Wavy and curly and five shades too dark for my skin tone. I want him to tell me to never straighten it nor curl it. That it's absolutely beautiful the way it is.
It's like a thousand paper-cuts soaked vinegar; the way I feel when I see him touching her.
I swear I didn't forget.
Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the wind longs to play with your hair.
I love everything about you except that you're not mine.
I'm not afraid of trying again. I'm afraid of getting hurt for the same reasons.
Eff this, I'm going to Hogwarts.
And I wonder if you still dream about falling asleep next to me.
What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a heart? You need a brain? Go ahead. Take mine. Take everything I have.
So I guess we are who we are for many reasons and maybe we'll never know most of them. 
Because unlike you, I meant everything I said.
When you hold me in your arms, you hold me together.
A good friend will ask about your dating history. A best friend will blackmail you about it.
The way we kiss is my drug. When I'm with you, I believe in love.
He said, "If I had a nickel for every girl like you I've met, I'd have five cents."
Whatever, just hang up on me.
You don't need me and that's what's breaking my heart.
You can't make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them until they get nervous and give in.
I looked at him and he looked at me and, for a second, it's like we forgave each other for everything.
Remember: you don't have to be with a guy to  have your heart broken by him.
Just ask yourself one simple question, is he taking care of your heart?
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
Of course I like the whole single, party, fun thing but sometimes I wouldn't mind the whole hugging, holding hands, I'm "his girl" kind of thing. 
This is black and white. Not grey, not cream. Black and white.
I can't say that I’m mad at you, because I’m not. I can't say that I hate you, because I don't. And I can't say that I’m done or that I’ll never talk to you again, because I know that I’m not and I know that I will. But I can say that I hope and that I pray, that if you really care about me at all, like you claim that you do, that you will stop setting me up, that you will stop saying things that you know you don't mean, and that from now on... whenever you know deep down that something is going to hurt me, please don't, just don't do it.
It`s like that school girl kind of love; the one where you chew on your pen and look out the window and imagine you two getting married. 
He stumbles over his words. Closes his eyes tightly. Breathes in. Breathes out. Almost loses his courage. "I love you," he says. "I love you so much it hurts." 
"Meet me"
I put my coat on.
I walked out the door, and felt the sharp spring breeze on my face.
It made my cheeks bright red.

"You look flushed"
You hugged me tight, but it was a friend hug.
I could hear the song coming from your I-pod.
"You look so pretty"
My back was against the wall.
Your arms were around me.
You buried your head in my neck.
I could feel your eyelashes when you blinked.
"You smell like chocolate"
It made me smile.
You looked at my lips, and kissed me for the first time.
The world was so quiet.

"I think... I... love you"
I cradled my phone by my ear.
I told you I loved you too, and you let out a
Breath of relief.
We stayed on the phone until we fell asleep.

"I’m outside."
I crept out the back door, and we sat in my car.
You kissed me.
You’d been gone so long.
I dried your tears, and you stayed quiet.
I promise never to leave you.
"Come over"
My mom drove me.
I had new lip gloss.
I’d checked the ingredients to make sure you weren’t allergic.
I knocked on the door.

"You’re always so warm"
It was midnight, and I’d walked to your house.
I promised to never lie to you again.
We held each other under your covers.
The stars on your ceiling glowed dimly.

"I’ll be there soon"
The tears flowed down my cheeks.
You held me so close, told me she was in a better place.
You sang.
You smelled like detergent and shampoo. I asked you where your bike was.
You told me you’d run over.
I gave you a puff of my inhaler.
You stopped wheezing.
"I hate not seeing you"
Our schedules clashed. We talked less and less.
I showed you some essays I’d written.
You skimmed the pages.
We fell asleep on the trampoline.

"Your hair’s different"
You stared at your Blackberry.
I told you I’d left it natural.
You finally looked at me and smiled.
You kissed me softly.

"I have to go"
You stopped kissing me, and put your shoes on.
I handed you your jacket, and you kissed my cheek.
I told you I loved you.
You smiled.

"We need to talk"
I told you I was at a bonfire.
You heard my teeth chatter.
You told me to put a coat on.
I said I’d call you when I got home.

"You’re different"
You said we should just be friends.
The world got blurry as my eyes filled with tears.
I couldn’t understand why you were doing this.
You were gone.

"I’ll love you forever, I promise."
I believed you.
I should’ve told you not to ruin this with promises.

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