Wednesday, November 18, 2009

And who is this ambitious young man?

One We could sit and wonder about the future, but now I'm thinking that today is fine.

Two Here's to the kids whose idea of a good time is sitting on the roof of their car and watching the stars.

Three You have so much magic in you and I wouldn't hold that back.

Four Just be who you are and wait your turn. Don't push. Be beautiful. Be graceful. If you're going to be angry, be angry behind closed doors. Don't ever let them see you sweat. Just hold your head up high no matter what, and don't ever let anyone hold you back.

Five The thing about us is that we're friends. Well, maybe we're not just friends but the base of all we know is friendship. He may think I'm beautiful but he'll still tease me about how he has to look down to see me. And we may cuddle up and watch movies, but we'll still laugh and make jokes about every line. We may hold hands, but we also get into fake fights and I know he lets me win everytime. He gets mad when I don't think high of myself and I get mad when he won't tell me what's wrong. We know more about each other than anyone and maybe that's the thing that makes it so perfect. He's not just the friend or the lover, he's the missing piece to my puzzle.

Six "Who are you supposed to be?" "I don't know. I've been asking myself for years."

Seven In that moment, I felt my heart break. And I thought, “I can’t live without you. I don’t want to live without you,” and then it slowly crept into my mind that no matter how bad I wanted or needed you, it wouldn’t matter. Somehow, and very painfully I was sure, my life would continue. With or without you.

Eight It's those moments when you drive around in a car full of friends around a town too small for you. You gasp for breath between laughs. It's those moments where you get high off just breathing in so deep, you feel your lung starting to get cold. For a second, that one split second, you don't care at all. You don't care about school, about parents or about money, about rules, or broken hearts. Who you care about are the kids sitting next to you. Cause it's all we really need isn't it? Those kids next to you, the ones who make you feel invincible even at your weakest points.

Nine I see pictures of you and her together and honestly, you look happy. But when I see pictures of you and me together, you look in love.

Ten To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better. But I do have arms to give you a hug, ears to listen whenever you want to talk, and a heart that aches to see you smile again.

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