Thursday, April 29, 2010

Today, I hate people who think they know everything.

I'll always love you, I know you know that, and I know in my heart, that you're coming back.
Well, I hope you have a nice time being your crazy, no-cares-in-the-world self, and that you stay safe and strong. I'll be here while you're gone. Never stop singing of your dreams.
The problem was, you wouldn't have one without the other. There couldn't be a bad guy unless there was a good guy to create the standard. There couldn't be a good guy until a bad guy showed just how far off the path he might stray.
Love means loving someone even when you don't feel like liking them that day.
I just want to fall into your arms when nothing is going my way and I want you to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay.
And at this point, I'd just settle for friendship. Or maybe a single hello, one of the ten times we pass each other during the day. It's not like you don't know me.
I'm sitting under stars; watching them fall;  tell me, do you miss me where you are?
They still want each other; they still need each other more than anything in the world. They're just taking a long time to figure it all out.
I remember being young. Having crushes that weren't longer than a week. Valentine's days came around and everyone knew they'd get a cute little card that said something cheesy, but cute to us. I remember putting his last name with my first and it went so well together. I was young, but even then I believed in love.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
I believe in the sun even when it's not shining. I believe in love even when I'm alone. I believe in God even when He's silent.
Do you think the reason we fight so much is because we can't face the fact that we might still be in love?
Would it be okay with you if I made sure you're the only man I will ever kiss again?
As great as we could have been, we weren't. And there's no point of dwelling on what we could have had 'cause it won't happen. You didn't waste your time, I did.
Tell your family that you love them everyday, give your best friend the biggest hug in the world, and cherish every moment you share with your lover, because you never know when it will be your last time experiencing it.Replace the fear of the unknown with curiosity.
Maybe you had to leave in order to really miss a place; maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was.
So they locked themselves in his car, got lost in each others eyes and sang to the radio. He whispered in her ear and she'd laugh at his silly jokes, even if they were pointless. He'd grab her hand and not let go. He had no idea how happy it made her. She'd rest her head on his shoulder, close her eyes, and listen to their song. When he kissed her forehead, she memorized the touch of his lips. She didn't want to leave anytime soon, and he'd give her his jacket if she said she was cold. It would be three in the morning, but they'd still be tangled in each other. She knew he was something special. It was different how he moved her cause even when he told her "goodnight", it still felt like "hello".
But she couldn't go back to being the girl she'd been before she met him; that girl was gone.
Love is not about "It's your fault" but "I'm sorry." Not "Where are you?" but "I'm right here." Not "How could you?" but "I understand." Not "I wish you were" but "I'm thankful you are."
There are three types of people you'll meet. The one you should have never met, the one you should never have let go of, and the one you've been looking for your whole life.
Somewhere, someone knows all the words to the song you're singing.
Some dreams never get realized. Some hopes never get their chance. Some aspirations hide away, and some wishes are never spoken. Then again, some fires never burn out.
It's funny how the less you talk, the more you begin to realize it was not meant to be. It's funny how slow it began, and how fast it ended. It's funny how in the beginning he liked you, but in the end he like someone else. It's funny how he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him.
And you never ever let me in.
Take one breath and then take another. Repeat these simple steps until you feel like you're doing better. Take one breath. Let the calm of it consume you. Everybody knows that it's never fair.
Dear new girlfriend; treat him okay. He always acts tough around his friends, but it's just an act. Laugh at his jokes, even when they're not funny. It makes him happy. Never be the one to let go of his hugs first, it puts a huge smile on his face. Realize you have a great guy when you're dating him - because I never did.
"I need to know that you're not gonna wake up in the morning and feel differently"
"And I can't give you that. Nobody can."
 When I see you smile and know that it is not for me, that is when I will miss you the most.
Sometimes, the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. But the most common situation is that the questions are always simple, but the answers are confusing.
Sometimes you've got to fall, just to remember how far from the bottom you are.
I'm done crying, and I'm done visualizing ways to inflict pain upon you. I'm done with you.
Life was too short to be with someone who wasn’t quite right, someone who made you think more than they made you feel.
You can be the heart that I spill on these pages.
You ripped through me like bullet holes, left stains on the sheets and stains on my soul.
“I love her and that’s the beginning of everything.”
If it means nothing to you why do you sing with me at all?
She wears a heart that can melt my own.
I don't mean to close the door, but for the record my heart is sore.
I miss you more than I should, more than I thought I could.
I am very interested and fascinated how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other.
I'm gonna shake you off, get up on a horse and ride into the sunset, looking back with no remorse.
And I wish that I weren't here tonight, but this is my life.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Today, I hate not talking to you.

I understand feeling as small and insignificant as humanly possible and how it can actually ache in places you didn't know you had inside you. 
Sometimes, you can hope and wish for something to happen, when all of a sudden; one day, your wish is staring you right in the face and you realise, maybe its not what you really wanted after all.
 That's what you get when you let your heart win.
Love is a minefield; you take a step and get blown to pieces, and you put yourself back together, and stupidly take another step. I guess thats human nature; it hurts so much to be alone that we'd all rather blow-up than be single.
Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like, and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves and then we have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.
After a while, you learn the difference between holding a hand, and falling in love. You begin to learn that kisses don't always mean something, promises can be broken just as quickly as they are made, and goodbyes really are forever.
Women wish to be loved not because they are pretty, or good, or well bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves.
I hope someday you realize what you're doing to me. Continually. Every single day.
The saddest kind of sad is the sad that tries not to be sad. You know, when sad tries to bite its lip and not cry and smile and go, 'No, I'm happy for you?' Thats when its really sad.
Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us; but the truth is, its not our loss, its theirs; for they left the only person who wouldn't give up on them.
Hang on when your heart's had enough.
After all we said, after all we shared, after all we loved, I still can't believe that you just threw me away, but you did.
The worst thing about being lied to is knowing that you weren't worth the truth.
Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you've never met.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today, I hate any music other than Mayday Parade:]

I wanted to tell him that I will never be sorry for loving him. That in a way I still do- that maybe I always will. I’ll never regret one single thing we did together because what we had was very special. Maybe if we were ten years older it would have worked out differently. Maybe.
What do you want to talk about? How bad is feels to sit here and wait for you?
I'm warning you before you get involved. I'm a mess.
No, it's not "whatever." We have a relationship worth fighting for, and I'm not going to let this go. Even though we've fought maybe even more than we've laughed lately, I can't just give up on this. I can't pretend like you never made a difference in my life. I'll fight for this if you will.
You have no idea how closely I wrapped myself around your heart.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 
You told me that I deserved this.
You kiss him goodbye like it's nothing, while all you want to do is hold on forever. But you let go, smile and walk away. Then cry all the way home, because it will never work out the way you want it.
Lately everyone's been blaming love for their problems but love doesn't walk away, people do.
He's the type of guy that would give you his jacket just because he knows that when he gets it back, it'll smell like you. And you're the type of girl that would want his jacket just because it smells like him.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want to be loved doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they have.
I guess the best part of being with you is that you don't judge me. I can wake up in the morning, hair a mess, no makeup on and you still tell me I'm the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
It's like he heard it through the phone. He could hear the tears swelling up in her eyes. He knew there was something wrong. She always said nothing but he finally caught on.
If my heart was a compass, you'd be North.
She's a girl who looks in the mirror and wonders what everyone is talking about.
I want a boy to buy me flowers just because he had an extra twenty dollars. 
(hint, hint)
Here's to life, as beautiful and painful as it may be.
Laughter makes you young and love makes you beautiful. 
Nothing could bring a smile to her face faster than hearing him call her baby.
You like the sadness. You cling to it, and in the end it will be all you have.
You said it hurts and you know that I believed you.
Be an organ donor: give someone your heart.
I want to be the girl that changed everything. The girl that made a difference. The girl who gave you a story to tell.
And if we never talk again, please remember, I'm forever changed by who you are and what you mean to me.
You left in paragraphs.
Yes, break-ups are difficult but if your heart really was completely broken, you'd be dead. This is obviously not the case.
I just wanted to remind you that, yes, there are such things as fairytales and princesses and knights in shining armor and happily ever afters.
You will never forget your first love. That's what makes it so special. You love so hard, so deeply, and so intensely because you don't know any better. It's the best thing until it's over. Then you hurt like you've never hurt before.
Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.
And if you guys want to comment, you just have to click on the heading of today's post and scroll to the bottom. Click anonymous or sign in or whatever works:]

Love, Susel and Jessica

Monday, April 19, 2010

Today, I hate all this rain.

I'm afraid that you're going to realize you don't need me anymore. Afraid is an understatement. I've known for a while now that this day would come, but I've dreaded every thought of it.
You're as beautiful as ever but things have changed, admit it.
I called because I wanted you to know that despite everything that's happened, and all the miles between us right now, I still think about the way it was in the beginning.
It takes no time to fall in love but it takes you years to know what love is.
There is one moment in your life when you are with someone and you feel like the world has stopped and your life seems so perfect. Make sure you never lose that person.
What I really want to say, I can't define.
I think the hardest part of this whole situation is that neither of us knows what’s going on. Neither of us know what the other is thinking. And we are both trying to make decisions on information we don’t know.
The things I thought you’d never know about me were the things I guess you always understood.
I didn't see us singing through this.
You never promised to stick around, so I don't know why I expected you to. I guess I just wanted to believe you were better, when everyone knew you weren't.
I can't read your lips unless they're touching mine.
Baby, be honest. Is this what you wanted?
I pushed you and called you names but you just took it, you just walked away without ever saying a word. YELL BACK! That’s what I need, I need to know that this means something- anything to you.
I heard you're good at algebra. Would mind substituting my "x" without asking "y?"
There are two kinds of people in life. The ones who pick you up and the ones who push you down. In the end, though, you'll end up thanking both.
I'll play the sweet sound of your voice in my head like a record.
You're just jealous because we're young and in love.
I love you. Don't ever question that.
These memories that flash in front of my eyes at night are almost worth the pain.
Falling in love is like jumping off a very tall building: Your head says "No. It's a bad idea", while your heart says "Maybe you'll fly".
So we're really not that different, me and you.
Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away.
We sat side by side in the morning light and looked out at the future together.
Here's to those who fell in love with their dreams.
We must be willing to give up the we have planned to have the life that God planned that is waiting for us. 
The single hand that wipes your tears during your failures is much better than the countless hands that come together to clap on your success.
Sometimes, you just need someone to protect you.
Kids like us should wear a warning.
Maybe you don't have a heart but I do so could you stop breaking it?
No hard feelings. No one to blame. Just two people who don't feel the same.
You're a part of this family. You always will be.
We fight mainly for one reason. 'Cause when you fight, you truly find out how much you're willing to take before you break. And when you break, you need to see if that other person truly cares enough to make everything okay again. 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today, I hate feeling like this.

I don't want to see you anymore, I'm just not that strong. I love it when you're here, but I'm better when you're gone.
Go hard every play. You don’t want to leave anything behind and regret it years down the road that you didn’t give it all when you could have.
Don't ever stop dreaming. There is nothing wrong with wanting something more.
Please remember, no matter what you do, I will always believe in you.
I may have failed but I have loved you from the start.
I think it's stupid to break up with someone you love.
"When my sister was younger she came home from school one day and demanded I take her to the library so she could get books on sign language. I asked why? She told me there was a new kid at school who was deaf and she wanted to befriend him. Today I stood beside her at their wedding watching her sign 'I DO'."
Sometimes, despite all of the wishes and good intentions, fate just wins.
I don't know if life is greater than death but I know that love is greater than both.
I like being alone yet I don't like being lonely.
Here comes the feelings you'd thought you'd forgotten.
Faith is taking the first step before seeing the whole staircase.
When you walk away from something and feel no gravitational pull, you know you're doing the right thing.
He is not the reason why you're heart is still beating. Don't forget about the little people. Love, Oxygen.
He knew that it would take more than an apology to get you back. He'd have to conquer the world first. He's been trying ever since.
Maybe it fell apart for a reason. Maybe it fell apart to show us how in love we used to be. So we could start over again. 
Mistakes happen, that's life. The repetition of mistakes, that's stupidity.
Some love stories aren't epic novels. Some are short stories. But that doesn't make them any less filled with love.
But most of all, don't forget this. Don't forget that you deserve love, and nothing less. Never anything less.
Don't be afraid. It's only love.
The other day I woke up smiling. not because you were next to me, or because the smell of your hoodie made me melt, but because when we were young, you promised me one thing: you'd never leave me, and you didn't.
 The pain is too strong now. The tears linger on my face. I think it's best if I just go now.
Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated.
I'm just too young to die but too old to believe in promises.
You said you'd always love me until the day you die. I guess you found your murderer.
I don't want you to be better off without me.
The only thing harder than walking away is not looking back.
Like a scratched CD, her heart skipped a beat. 
I knew we weren't in love but no one will understand how much I miss that boy.
I'm placing all our pictures in these broken frames, to remind me never to fall in love again.
You want everything to be just like all the stories you read but you never write them.
To hell with my pride. Tonight I want to cry.
She closes her eyes as her make-up runs. He finally got the best of her.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Today, I hate not knowing...

~Today is a perfect day for a perfect day.~
~I don't remember you looking any better but then again, I don't remember you.~
~We were all born beautiful. Its the things we do that make us ugly.~
~So I guess sometimes even the truth is a lie and forever runs out of time.~
~Music is enough for a lifetime but a lifetime is not enough for music.~
~The main reason a girl needs a daddy is so she can see that all boys aren't like the ones who hurt her.~
~Nothing is impossible. Even the word itself says, "I'm possible."~
~Good things take time but great things happen in the blink of an eye.~
~I'm overly attracted and incredibly convinced.~
~I had forgotten what it felt like to find someone you couldn't get enough of.~
~We've rocked and we've rolled but we've never let go.~
~I've had time to think it over and all I can say is, "Come closer."
~Rock bottom is a solid place.~
~Just watch my wildest dreams come true, not one of them involving you.~
~Go find someone else to ruin.~
~I think we should be just friends with sexual tension.~
~It's funny how when people say they love you you can't really feel it but when they say they don't love you anymore, you can feel every ounce of what was drain out of your being.~
~It's going to be heart wrenching but I'm ready for it.~
~There are things we don't want to happen but we have to accept, things we don't want to know but we have to learn, and people we can't live without that we have to let go.~
~It's time to start slapping people.~
~And I no longer have the desire to kiss you.~
~In the long run, we only hit what we aim at.~
~I often wonder if life is easier for other people.~
~You made the wrong choice.~
~Sometimes I want to dare you to call me Princess one more time because now I have someone who calls me Sweetie, Baby, and Honey. Sometimes I pray that you'll call me Princess one more time because Sweetie, Baby, and Honey don't even come close. ~
~Sometimes, even though you're having a good day,  you can't help but think back to the good old days.~
~One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter. ~
~Go ahead, leave me like you always do. I'm ready this time.~
~What you don't know can't hurt you. It's what you expect that screws you up.~
~She keeps blasting hateful music in the hopes of staying angry. The longer she's angry, the farther away the pain is.~