Monday, April 19, 2010

Today, I hate all this rain.

I'm afraid that you're going to realize you don't need me anymore. Afraid is an understatement. I've known for a while now that this day would come, but I've dreaded every thought of it.
You're as beautiful as ever but things have changed, admit it.
I called because I wanted you to know that despite everything that's happened, and all the miles between us right now, I still think about the way it was in the beginning.
It takes no time to fall in love but it takes you years to know what love is.
There is one moment in your life when you are with someone and you feel like the world has stopped and your life seems so perfect. Make sure you never lose that person.
What I really want to say, I can't define.
I think the hardest part of this whole situation is that neither of us knows what’s going on. Neither of us know what the other is thinking. And we are both trying to make decisions on information we don’t know.
The things I thought you’d never know about me were the things I guess you always understood.
I didn't see us singing through this.
You never promised to stick around, so I don't know why I expected you to. I guess I just wanted to believe you were better, when everyone knew you weren't.
I can't read your lips unless they're touching mine.
Baby, be honest. Is this what you wanted?
I pushed you and called you names but you just took it, you just walked away without ever saying a word. YELL BACK! That’s what I need, I need to know that this means something- anything to you.
I heard you're good at algebra. Would mind substituting my "x" without asking "y?"
There are two kinds of people in life. The ones who pick you up and the ones who push you down. In the end, though, you'll end up thanking both.
I'll play the sweet sound of your voice in my head like a record.
You're just jealous because we're young and in love.
I love you. Don't ever question that.
These memories that flash in front of my eyes at night are almost worth the pain.
Falling in love is like jumping off a very tall building: Your head says "No. It's a bad idea", while your heart says "Maybe you'll fly".
So we're really not that different, me and you.
Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away.
We sat side by side in the morning light and looked out at the future together.
Here's to those who fell in love with their dreams.
We must be willing to give up the we have planned to have the life that God planned that is waiting for us. 
The single hand that wipes your tears during your failures is much better than the countless hands that come together to clap on your success.
Sometimes, you just need someone to protect you.
Kids like us should wear a warning.
Maybe you don't have a heart but I do so could you stop breaking it?
No hard feelings. No one to blame. Just two people who don't feel the same.
You're a part of this family. You always will be.
We fight mainly for one reason. 'Cause when you fight, you truly find out how much you're willing to take before you break. And when you break, you need to see if that other person truly cares enough to make everything okay again. 


  1. I love the blog! It's so beautiful!

  2. Wow your blog is great!! It's very inspirational and beautiful! You guys should be pros ;D
