Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today, I hate any music other than Mayday Parade:]

I wanted to tell him that I will never be sorry for loving him. That in a way I still do- that maybe I always will. I’ll never regret one single thing we did together because what we had was very special. Maybe if we were ten years older it would have worked out differently. Maybe.
What do you want to talk about? How bad is feels to sit here and wait for you?
I'm warning you before you get involved. I'm a mess.
No, it's not "whatever." We have a relationship worth fighting for, and I'm not going to let this go. Even though we've fought maybe even more than we've laughed lately, I can't just give up on this. I can't pretend like you never made a difference in my life. I'll fight for this if you will.
You have no idea how closely I wrapped myself around your heart.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 
You told me that I deserved this.
You kiss him goodbye like it's nothing, while all you want to do is hold on forever. But you let go, smile and walk away. Then cry all the way home, because it will never work out the way you want it.
Lately everyone's been blaming love for their problems but love doesn't walk away, people do.
He's the type of guy that would give you his jacket just because he knows that when he gets it back, it'll smell like you. And you're the type of girl that would want his jacket just because it smells like him.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want to be loved doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they have.
I guess the best part of being with you is that you don't judge me. I can wake up in the morning, hair a mess, no makeup on and you still tell me I'm the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
It's like he heard it through the phone. He could hear the tears swelling up in her eyes. He knew there was something wrong. She always said nothing but he finally caught on.
If my heart was a compass, you'd be North.
She's a girl who looks in the mirror and wonders what everyone is talking about.
I want a boy to buy me flowers just because he had an extra twenty dollars. 
(hint, hint)
Here's to life, as beautiful and painful as it may be.
Laughter makes you young and love makes you beautiful. 
Nothing could bring a smile to her face faster than hearing him call her baby.
You like the sadness. You cling to it, and in the end it will be all you have.
You said it hurts and you know that I believed you.
Be an organ donor: give someone your heart.
I want to be the girl that changed everything. The girl that made a difference. The girl who gave you a story to tell.
And if we never talk again, please remember, I'm forever changed by who you are and what you mean to me.
You left in paragraphs.
Yes, break-ups are difficult but if your heart really was completely broken, you'd be dead. This is obviously not the case.
I just wanted to remind you that, yes, there are such things as fairytales and princesses and knights in shining armor and happily ever afters.
You will never forget your first love. That's what makes it so special. You love so hard, so deeply, and so intensely because you don't know any better. It's the best thing until it's over. Then you hurt like you've never hurt before.
Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.
And if you guys want to comment, you just have to click on the heading of today's post and scroll to the bottom. Click anonymous or sign in or whatever works:]

Love, Susel and Jessica


  1. I want a boy to buy me flowers just because he had an extra twenty dollars.
    (hint, hint)

    baha favorite
    i love these they always make me smile(:

  2. quotes are fun.

  3. Jess these are so very lovely I especially love all the lyrics you put in and remember you dont deserve it - Anna

  4. I really love this blog, reading it makes me happy :]

  5. I love this blog! It's fanntastic! It's not mine, but if you haven't heard of it Im sure you could get a million quotes you love from this site, its another fav of mine : (:
