Wednesday, June 3, 2009

There is no Arizona.

Ten quotes - enjoy.

Maybe, God makes you hurt right now because he knows that someday, someone is going to hurt like you and he knows you're stronger and you'll be able to help them. Maybe that's why you hurt.

"I wish you were here."
"In my dreams I always am."

He walked up to her and threw some cheesy line at her. She told him she had already heard that one. He assured her it was not a line. She walked away, she'd heard that one too.

She puts on a new dress, goes out, and turns all the boys heads', but that's as close as they get.

Go ahead and lie to me, pull me close.
Tell me that you love me even though we know you don't.

How about, baby, we make a promise to not promise anything more than one night. Complicated situations only get worse in the morning light.

Don't think I don't think about it. Don't think I don't have regrets. Don't think it don't get to me between the work, and the hurt, and the whiskey.

And when you're lonely, look up at the moon. Someone, somewhere is staring at the same moon and feeling lonely too.

When you pray for courage, does God give you courage or the chance to be courageous?

She's beautiful in her simple ways...
I guess I should've been more like her.

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