Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I want it that way.

1. Its strange how laughter is like crying without the sound. Its odd how raindrops are like tears without the pain.

2. Tell him I hate him. Tell him I don't need him. Tell him to have a great life without me. Tell him he means nothing to me. Just don't tell him I said this with tears in my eyes.

3. Just when you've had enough, life gives you more. And just when you think it's rained enough, life makes it pour.

4. And how she hoped he missed her 'cause, God, she missed how he would kiss her.

5. According to Greek mythology, humans were created with four arms, four legs, and two faces. Zeus, fearing their power, split them in two; condemning them to spend the rest of their lives in search for their other halves.

6. When you remember how hard it is to change ourselves, you begin to understand what little chance we have of changing others.

7. That was just one completely unnecessary sexual remark too many.

8. So the pain is too much now and I decide the footprints should start. I'll walk away from you now and all I want is for you to remember me. Its bittersweet but that's the way I like it. (My new favorite.)

9. "I'm the girl who is best friends with her guitar and writes songs about everything and anything that happens to her. Names included." - Taylor Swift.

10. And the tears on her face don't stand for nothing. She isn't just emotional and she isn't just impressed. They are the last and final straw. She realizes how much better she deserves and now you're about to see how much this hurts.

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