Friday, July 3, 2009

But you'll get this shiny, new, stone heart instead.

OnE. Sometimes, finding the love of your life means losing the life you love.

TwO. Sometimes you just have to let them win because losing the argument is a lot less important than losing them.

THrEE. (C)
Street lights are up.
The sun has set long ago.
I take your hand.
You whisper, "I'm scared."
"Of what?" I ask in return.
"The demons I see in your eyes."

FouR. Black ink touches the paper as you find somewhere to put your thoughts. So don't be afraid of the words that fall; they're only stories of a shattered heart, after all.

FivE. Jealousy hurts. Walking away hurts. Being forgotten hurts. However, what hurts the most is being alone through the whole thing.

SiX. She's falling hard for a boy with a bad reputation. But that doesn't matter. When they're together, he's nothing like they say.

SEvEN. We have a very odd relationship. We'll go a month without talking then, one text later and we're spilling our hearts out. Strangest though, is that I don't mind.

EIgHT. Here's to lying, stealing, cheating and drinking. If you must lie, lie with the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink to the moments that take your breath away.

NinE. "I don't think you're leaving." She said strongly, with such conviction it seemed to tap my untouchable heart of stone. "I think you're running. But what confuses me, is I don't know if you're running towards something you want or away from something you're afraid of wanting."

TeN. But if you want to leave me, you can. I'll remember you though. I remember everyone that leaves.

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