Friday, October 30, 2009

Three Weeks :]

I've never felt this way before, before I found you.
Was wrapped up in my problems but that didn't phase you.
You pushed away the fears, the fears you held my hand through.
I am just so lucky, lucky to have found you. 10/09/09 :] <3>

You are who you are when no one is looking.

Don't be afraid of the world. We're just all people you could've been.

Welcome to broken hearted airlines. Thank you for crashing and burning with us tonight.

A true man doesn't need to romance a different girl every night. A true man romances one girl for the rest of his life.

She doesn't want to hear she's beautiful. She wants to know she is.

I'll sit with my friends and laugh about what we've all been through but my breath catches when someone brings up you.

Its okay because my heart's in the right place. I've got the sun and the moon and the stars above because today I fell in love.

Its almost like you had it planned out. Like you smiled when you shook my head and said, "I'm about to screw you over."

You, my dear, are that girl people refer to when they say that's what she said.

Your words are so simple and yet they mean so much to me.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Does she mean anything?

I won't promise you I'll love you forever because I don't think that's the case but I can tell you that right now, you mean more to me than anyone or anything on this earth.

You be the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground. I'll be the wings that keep your heart in the clouds.

Fail. Be bad at things. Be embarrassed. Be vulnerable. Go out on a limb or two or twelve. You will fall and it will hurt but the farther you fall, the higher you rose and and the higher you rise, the clearer your future becomes.

And one thought rose above all the others that swarmed my mind, he doesn't love you.

They say that to remind you that you're better than the jerk who left you except its not helping because the whole time you think to yourself, it wasn't enough to keep him.

Here's to the moment in your life where nothing feels perfect but everything feels right.

Find someone who makes you smile and never, ever give up on them.

If you took the time and listened to all of her top-played songs, maybe you'd understand her just a bit more.

So turn that music louder, baby, and sing your pain away.

If it doesn't hurt in the end, it was wasn't worth it in the begining.

Its easy for her because everything's always been easy for her. She just wishes that she could fight for something and excel at it rather than have everything just come so easily.

I opened my heart for you. I can stand around like a fool waiting for you to be ready.

You don't always win your battles but its good to know you fought.

Don't you think its more important to be extremely happy for a short while and lose it then be just okay for your whole life?

I've noticed that in the end, you think about the begining.


Monday, October 26, 2009

If I gave you my hand, would you take it and make me the happiest man in the world?

hold hands Pictures, Images and Photos

Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend the rest of his life.

And that's the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too.

Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.

quote Pictures, Images and Photos

Take into account that great love and great achievement require great risk.

No matter what your relationship status is, everybody has that person who they'd marry tomorrow if they were asked.

Imagine a moment in a future where everything is right, ya know? The best moment of your life... Who is standing next to you?

believe Pictures, Images and Photos

You're not even mine and I'm afraid to lose you.

Be nice to everyone you see. You'll never know the battle they're facing.

I think I may be a little bit in love with you but only if you're a little bit in love with me.

10/09/09 AME
10/16/09 KM
10/25/09 IL

Saturday, October 24, 2009

You make me so happy.

You're cold but you're beautiful.
You're a mess but I like it that way.

Believe in your flyness and conquer your shyness.

He acts like he doesn't care but we all know he's falling apart without her smile.

old couple Pictures, Images and Photos

All you had to do was fight for me.

Once upon a time, this girl made you smile.

Those nights you just can't fall asleep -- its because you're busy in someone else's dreams.

shadow Pictures, Images and Photos

You saw her today. I know you did. You didn't hold me as tight and you're eyes had the glow of her smile in them.

And someday, when I'm ninety, she's that wooden rocking chair I want rocking right beside me.

And everyone's just spending all day thinking about someone who's thinking about someone else.

He asked me if I was alright. I looked at him, shocked. After ignoring me all day, you ripped out my heart, threw it on the ground and jumped on it a few times. Yeah, idiot, I'm alright.

Bubbles Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

And I'll be making history like I do.

One. They think you a saint simply because you were daft enough to die for love. Love? A passing fancy, no more, no less.

Two. I have always had a depression; I have always been cursed with a restlessness. I thought I would never change. I thought I would always be that way. Always be a wanderer. But you've changed me. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You make me want to stay.

Three. You know that you've got something special when the love quotes finally make you smile.

Four. I know we're meant to be because the silences we share are so musical.

Five. Everything was so much easier when our hearts weren't involved.

Six. I think a part of me will always miss you.

Seven. "So this is lonely..." She whispered to herself as she sat on the steps outside her house while she waited for anything to happen. Anything at all.

Eight. One day our dreamers died within us. When all our answers never came we hid beneath our skins. But our shadows never looked the same.

Nine. You don't have to visit a madhouse to find distressed minds. Our planet is the mental institution of the universe.

Ten. I can't say that you're handsome but you set my heart on fire and turn my legs to spaghetti.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Maybe, just maybe... I'm not actually okay. Maybe there is something wrong. Maybe this is more than just teenaged distress. Maybe its more. Does anyone care enough to wonder?

If you only do what you've always done, you'll never have more than what you have already got.

I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly.

And I start a fight because I need to feel something and you do what you want because I'm not what you wanted.

I Miss You.
the old you, the one that laughed with me, and was nice to me, and was my best friend.
the old you, who told me his problems and asked me to fix them, and even if i couldn’t, he’d be happy that i helped him.
the old you, who would parent the others and rule them like they were a kingdom. the old you, who would talk shit with me about idiots.
the old you, the one who never called me names, or made me feel dumb, or anything..
just.. the old you, who knew nothing about me and didn’t want to know anything about me..the old you.

Before you go bragging to your friends about how you broke it off, I already told them. And you know what they said? "You're too good for him anyways."

When you forget her, don't you dare remember me.

Everytime I turn around, some one I've known forever feels like a total stranger. Even I feel like a total stranger.

I wish I could smoke a million cigarettes and not eat for a week. To make the people around me worry and call you and tell you that maybe I'm not fine after all.

I made a list of wrongs and rights tonight and your number one on both sides.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What now?

If you say you're sorry, I guess I can forgive you.
If you tell me you miss me, I guess I can miss you too.
If you convince me that I'll be okay, I guess I'll believe it.
But if you don't let me know you love me, I guess I'll be hurt.
If you don't show me you care, I guess I'm alone.
If you don't apologize, I guess you don't care.

I keep wishing that you'll turn around and say something that makes this silence, this pain, this goodbye, a little more bearable.

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

You make or break my day with a single word. You make me angry or sad but what scares me most is that you make me feel something.

What if I said you never mattered. That I never lost a single moment of sleep over you. What if I crushed all of your dreams and broke every promise I ever made you? What if I did to you what you did to me?

You don't know what you have until you lose it and you don't know what you're missing until it appears.

Hasta el fin del mundo, mi princesa, voy ser a tu lado. (Until the end of the world, my princess, I am going to be at your side.)

They say nothing lasts forever, but the strongest friendships lasts through anything.

Nothing was every going to be ordinary again... Sure, you could patch up whatever was broken, but when you're the one who healed yourself, you know where the fault lines lie.

I just want someone to say, no, don't change the subject. I don't care how messed up you are and I don't care if you're scared to talk about it. I want to know and I want you to tell me and I want you to know that telling me will not scare me away. Sure, I'll be a little worried, but not knowing scares me more. I want you to know you can talk to me when no one else will listen.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where I come from.

I think that every girl needs to date a sweet gentleman, a charming liar, a determined brain and a pretty boy to show her she deserves respect, flattery, intelligence and something beautiful.

So one last touch and then you'll go. We'll pretend that it meant something more. But it was vile, and it was cheap, and you're beautiful but you mean nothing to me.

A shattered heart and tear struck eyes; its all a result of his beautiful lies.

Promise me that she isn't your everything.

And there'll always be those awkward times when we look at each other and remember how we used to feel.

She still wastes hours trying to turn herself into something she'll never be.

She covers her insecurities with make up. She hides her fears with the drugs. She ignores reality when she bleeds. And she fakes her happiness with alcohol. Can no one see the mess she is?

I'm afraid that I'm going to end up alone. I'm afraid I'm always going to be someone's friend, someone's sister, someone's confidante, but never someone's everything.

Here's to all of the girls you'll kiss.
I hope you'll leave scars on their lips.

Easy, it's not, I'm afraid you'll find, for a mind-maker-upper to make up his mind.