Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What now?

If you say you're sorry, I guess I can forgive you.
If you tell me you miss me, I guess I can miss you too.
If you convince me that I'll be okay, I guess I'll believe it.
But if you don't let me know you love me, I guess I'll be hurt.
If you don't show me you care, I guess I'm alone.
If you don't apologize, I guess you don't care.

I keep wishing that you'll turn around and say something that makes this silence, this pain, this goodbye, a little more bearable.

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

You make or break my day with a single word. You make me angry or sad but what scares me most is that you make me feel something.

What if I said you never mattered. That I never lost a single moment of sleep over you. What if I crushed all of your dreams and broke every promise I ever made you? What if I did to you what you did to me?

You don't know what you have until you lose it and you don't know what you're missing until it appears.

Hasta el fin del mundo, mi princesa, voy ser a tu lado. (Until the end of the world, my princess, I am going to be at your side.)

They say nothing lasts forever, but the strongest friendships lasts through anything.

Nothing was every going to be ordinary again... Sure, you could patch up whatever was broken, but when you're the one who healed yourself, you know where the fault lines lie.

I just want someone to say, no, don't change the subject. I don't care how messed up you are and I don't care if you're scared to talk about it. I want to know and I want you to tell me and I want you to know that telling me will not scare me away. Sure, I'll be a little worried, but not knowing scares me more. I want you to know you can talk to me when no one else will listen.

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