Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today, I hate lack of gum when its epically desired.

It's a lot easier to say you're angry than to admit you're hurt.
If you come over, I promise to have hot chocolate ready. We can snuggle up and sit by the fire. Or go outside and watch the moon rise higher.
Your chromosomes have combined beautifully.
It's hard to wait around for something you know won't happen, but it's even harder to stop waiting when you know it's everything you want.
Won't you come back home?
Just because he's the first guy to tell you that you're beautiful doesn't mean he's the only one who ever will. Please don't throw everything away for him.
I know how it feels to think of the right thing to say too late.
She won't forget him but she'll try.
She ran away with tears in her eyes. Boy, you just made an unbreakable girl break.
I never changed. You just lost interest.
'Cause your words are like bullets and I'm the way your weapons aim.
She calls him up; she's tripping on the phone line.
And when I see you, so many things flash by my eyes. My first kiss, my first heartbreak, the first time I settled for less than I deserved, the first time I compromised my beliefs for a boy, and the first time I thought I wasn't good enough. 
I didn't trip. I said hello to the floor with my face.
Boy, when you come around my guard goes up.
In a perfect world, you'd still be here.
Trying to forget someone you loved is like trying to remember someone you never knew.
You're playing with my heart and it's getting really lame. So choose what you want: the girl or the game.  
Two of the hardest tests in life: the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage to admit that you've waited for nothing.
I've seen nights without sleep and days without daylight.
I miss being eight when all he had to do was tag me for me to be it. 
 Cuddling on the coach, reading Harry Potter, would be the best night you could give me.
Seeing her sitting there unresponsive makes me realize that silence has a sound. 
He can’t help but tell himself what a shame it must be to fall in love with someone like him.
Confidence is that voice inside your head telling you that you're capable of being what you're becoming.
"After all this time?" "Always,"
She's in love with the boy.  
Don't try to make life a mathematics problem with yourself in the center and everything coming out equal. When you are good, bad things can still happen and if you are bad, you can still be lucky.
It's not those who are there when you need them. It's who has been there the entire time.
Lets gaze at the stars until the sun decides to show.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
More like you can't stop writing third grade run-on sentences because you can't remotely begin to describe something or someone so inherently amazing. But you're a writer. You can describe anything. That's what you do: pictures to words, events to words, words to even better words. But nothing seems right. 
It's not so bad. You're only the best I ever had. 
You can always tell when two people are best friends because they're always having way more fun than it makes sense for them to be having.
You know, I think a guy becomes friends with a girl and vice versa, because they are both attracted to each other when they first meet. And if they weren’t attracted to each other, they would never have given each other a second look.
No one writes songs about the ones that come easy.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today, we wrote Mission Statements.

This year's going to be different. I'm going to push myself when I feel like I've reached my limit. I'm going to listen when people tell me I've got potential I'm not taking advantage of. I'm going to stay happy, as much as I can, whenever I can. Whatever mistakes I make, I won't regret them, because chances are, I was smiling while I did them. Smiling is a beautiful thing and I will never ever regret a smile. I'm going to patch together the beautiful person that always patched me up whenever I crashed and burned. I'm going to finish what I start. I'm going to take life as it comes, and not worry about all the "Maybes". I'm going to follow my heart, but take my brain with me. And I'm going to laugh, laugh a lot. And whatever happens, I'm going to take deep breaths, remember who I am and who I want to be, and remind myself that in the end, life just works out.

Infinite X's and O's,
Susel Alina

This year's going to be better.
I will learn to bite my words when I feel the need to express my frustrations in someone.
I will try to  be patient with those I love and those that surround me.
I will be sympathetic with anyone who needs sympathy which, in reality, is everyone.
I will stop judging.
I will begin to love myself because if I don't, no one can truly love me.
I will treat myself with the respect and dignity I deserve and demand nothing less from everyone I have met and will meet.
I will get more sleep at night.
I will stop when it starts to hurt.
I will learn to play chess.
I will not resort to physical violence.
I will focus on helping others' problems instead of focusing on others' helping my problems.
I will find something that I love.
I will love my mommy more.
I will fight with my daddy less.
I will hug more often.
I will use vocabulary words that make me feel smart.
I will stop cussing.
I will be someone's role model.
I will write a story, from start to finish.
I will enter a door, in the presence of a man, only if he is holding it for me.
I will offer to hold the door for any female company I am with.
I will start washing my face.
I will make sure that the people I love know I love them.
I will spend more time with people who make me laugh.
I will introduce myself to anyone I feel is worth meeting.
I will not blame my parents because I know they're trying their best.
I will tell myself that I'm beautiful.
I will not stop holding my breath but I will always remember to breathe.
And I will be better than just "okay."
Jessy Princhescy :]

Today, I hate irrational acts.

Will the love continue if my walk becomes a crawl?
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted.
Think of how different things would be if you hadn't met that one person who changed everything.
There's that occasional night when you just break down because you know things will never be the same.
Today's forecast: partly cloudy with a chance of heartbreak.
I just miss you so much and you're not even gone yet.
Don't tell me not to walk away when you're the one who taught me how.
Moving on is simple... it's what you leave behind that's hard.
And my theory was that if I looked pretty enough, he wouldn't be able to break my heart.
She finally stopped playing their song when she realized she was dancing alone.
Love all. Trust few. Do wrong to no one.
It's just another night; another dream wasted on you.
I should've been your everything. 
You know the words so sing along for me, baby.
Tell me that if I die right now, you'd never be the same.
Everyone hurts you. Don't hold it against them.
She smiled in a big way. The way a girl like that smiles when the world is hers.
My heart's breaking before I know what's happening.
I want to hold hands and waste Friday nights with you.
I close my eyes and beg for peace.
This is the first time the shaking isn't fake.
She lent him her heart for a day. He never gave it back. To this day he’s unable to decide if it was his inner pickpocket talking, or just his fondness for bright, shiny toys.
He calls her ribs xylophone keys and plays music on them with not-quite-careful fingertips.
She tasted that lie on the tip of her tongue, and found that she did not mind the taste.
True love is like a pair of socks. You must have two that match.
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight.
He stole my heart so I'm stealing his last name.
His hello was the end of her endings. Her laugh was the first step down the aisle. His hand would be hers to hold forever. His forever was as simple as her smile. He said she was what was missing. She said she instantly knew. She was a question to be answered, and his answer was I do.
It's funny how we were best friends for so long, but never had that "spark," until your leg accidentally brushed up against mine. 
I sang the songs that I wrote you. 
Girl: Your new girlfriend is pretty. I bet she stole your heart.
Boy: Yeah...she is. But you're still the most beautiful girl I know.
Girl: I hear she's funny and amazing. All the stuff I wasn't.
Boy: She sure is. But she's nothing compared to you.
Girl: I bet you know everything about her by now. Like how you knew just about everything about me.
Boy: Only the stuff that count. I can't even remember the stuff she tells me when I think of you.
Girl: Well...I hope you guys last. Cause we never did.
Boy: I hope we do too. Whatever happened to me and you?
Girl: Well I gotta go. Before I start to cry.
Boy: Yeah me too. I hope you don't cry.
Girl: Bye. I still love you... 

Boy: Later. I never stopped.
They say time heals everything, but I'm still waiting.
I don't wanna know that something I didn't say could have saved us. I don't want there to be things left undone because maybe if I had kiss you a little bit harder, or held you a little tighter I wouldn't have driven you away.
I like dead end signs. I think they're kind. At least they have the decency to let you know when you're going nowhere.
Eventually one of two things will happen: He'll realize you're worth it or you'll realize he isn't.
I'll sing you every song I know if it will make you want to stay.  And then i'll say that I missed you. And these words, they'll convince you.
The truly painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said, and never explained.
And my hands are glued right by my side, but they’re aching just to touch you.
I was nothing more than your favorite soundtrack. I was played 'til I skipped and scratched on nearly ever track. You pulled me out whenever you needed something for a party or when life hurt you a little too much. Well, I'm touched, but I'd rather be more than background music.

Someday, you're going to end up all alone and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
"Well, your eyes are puffy. which, from experience, screams textbook crying eyes. You have your hair up, you're probably not planning on impressing any boys today. I'd say you're nursing a hell of a broken heart. And not the school girl crush kind. You're dealing with the real thing."

If I lay here, will you lay with me?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Today, I hate dashboards.

And what hurts the most is that you're my whole world and I'm not even a star in your sky.
And everything became so much clearer, you're a heartbroken heartbreaker.
As she waits for her real first passionate kiss.
Kissing is like salt water. You drink and your thirst increases.
Go ahead, take her hand. Show her that a boyfriend if first of all a best friend.
But he's not coming back.
Being without him would lead her to fall short in life, 'cause life is not complete when a part of your heart is missing.
You can hold me hostage anytime you want, baby.
 The simple trick is you're never supposed to act on it.
 You can love with all of your heart. No questions asked.

"You make me extremely nervous and I guess that's what makes you different from other girls."
Minutes before you got here, I was gonna jump too.
It's okay to be scared. It means you still have something left to lose.
If I promise not to cry can you look me in the eyes and for the first time in your life, tell me exactly how you feel?
I wonder if ever I will be a bride with a white lace gown, standing in front of everyone, looking beautiful, because someone loves me that much.
Take a deep breath. 

Never skip to the happy ending, you might miss the best part of the story.

She just wants a guy who will introduce him to his mother as his beautiful girlfriend.
Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of the bench when there's plenty of room on the ends.
She'll wait for nobody and nothing else but him.
Just because something won't last forever doesn't mean it won't last a lifetime.
There's two kinds of people in the world: the givers and the takers. The givers always sleep better.
And I can still feel you next to me. 

"Just tell me why I was never good enough. I think you owe me at least that much. after all the months of second guessing and falling down, you owe me this. so before you go run of to your pretty little new girlfriend, look me in the eyes and tell me why after I nearly killed myself. trying to be perfect for you, I still never really lived up to your expectations."
It would be so nice if something just made sense for a change.
There are differences between what we long for, what we settle for, and what we were meant for.
But the stars don't shine in New York City.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today, I hate compasses.

Please don't blame yourself for this mess I call me.
I never wanted anything other than to be your everything.
If I tell you I love you can I keep you forever?
True strength is holding it all together when everyone is expecting you to fall apart.
Let me be angry... please. It is the only way that I can keep you from seeing how much I really need you.
Sometimes the happiest people you know are the saddest people you will ever meet.
If you really, truly love someone, you can't stay mad at them forever. As much as you want to hate them for what they've done, your heart won't let you.
Feelings never change. You just learn how to hide them.
I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had. But, I can't, because I know you won't come after me, and I guess that's what hurts the most.
I just don't want to miss you tonight.
I didn’t wanna be that girl that cries herself to sleep.
You're everything I've wanted. You're beautiful. You're reckless. And a little sad. You know it's the sadness that got me right from the start. I wanted to make it go away, and for a time I thought I had. It's pretty stupid, huh? You like the sadness. You cling to it, and in the end it will be all you have.
And she hurt herself in little ways. Running her knuckles along a brick wall to cut the skin, hitting a mirror until it cracked and the shards pricked her. All calls of attention, so her boy wouldn't leave.
In the end, it’s worked out because we both want it to. As long as you two have that, you’ll be able to make it through anything.
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you.
I've never slept better when all I could smell on my pillow was the scent of you.
I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand & that the Eskimos has a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me when you sleep and there are no words for that.
Well the day has come, where I've never thought of anyone quite as much as I think of you.
She's a fighter when she's mad and a lover when she's loving.
You're the definition of the absolute best. You're the reason I get through life when it's a total mess.
I'll be your sunshine when you're in the rain. I'll give you my happiness and I'll take pain.
Then looking upwards I strained my eyes and try to tell the difference between shooting stars and satellites.
The way you fit into my arms at night, I'll remember that feeling for the rest of my life.
All he knew was that they fit somehow and that he felt as if he spent most of his life traveling a path that led inexorably to her.
He kissed me, then. Really put his arms around me and kissed me. it went through my body like he had flipped some electrical switch and lit me up. His skin was so warm, and he was suddenly so beautiful, and I thought, oh, this is what all the hype is about.
I like that someone like you sees something in me.
But we still would have wound up together. No matter what kind of life I had, you'd be at the end of it.
I'd think she'd think me crazy to hear that I only want to hold her hand for the rest of all my life.
If the world should ever fall apart around you and if you're lost and barely breathing - I will find you and carry you back home.
A successful relationship requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
The instant their lips first met, there was a flicker of something almost electrical that made her believe the feeling would last forever. But then again, maybe it was just dizziness because she hadn't eaten.
And you think I would miss this, this poetic kind of thinking in which every inch of me hurts.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Today, I hate infatuation.

"We could do it, you know, last forever. I see nothing wrong with our system. We fight sometimes, but that's good. It means we care enough to not let "us" just fall apart. We scream and we get angry and we say not very nice things but we never go to bed angry. We always work it out and if we don't, we agree that the other is too important to lose over a stupid argument. You make me so happy and I understand you. I can tell you things because I trust you. I know I could forgive you for anything you do to me. You've already done the worst but that's in the past. I still love you with my whole heart. I think we could do it, really. We could.
If God had meant for today to be perfect, he wouldn't have invented tomorrow.
Why are the words Good-bye, I'm sorry, and I love you so easily pronounced but so hard to say?
Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down are the ones who help you get back up.
Being taken for granted can be a compliment. It means you’ve become a comfortable, trusted element in another person’s life.
Then I realized that the only reason I called you, was because that's what I always used to do. Not because I needed you or because I wanted your opinion, but because it was instinctive.
And as she walked away, he wished more than anything that she'd look back.
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.
And while he sat with her, crying over some boy that she was much too good for, the only comfort that he could offer her was open arms, and a promise that life would go on.
He lost the game, and she was sad, because there'd be someone else cheering him up after.
He was glad she had a boyfriend, he was glad she was happy. It made her look beautiful. It made him wonder if she'd ever looked that way while she was his.
Come on and paint me the rainbows, so I can follow it. I dont know where it will take me, but I like wondering.
I sang out loud all the notes that I knew. I remember all your lyrics from beginning to end. It's your rhythm, baby, that slips through my hands.
You've got me so worked up now my heartbeat is punching through my clothes
How can one person be so hard to handle?

Today, I hate sprinting.

They may be bigger but we're faster and never scared.
Actually, no, I'm not okay. I need someone to give me a hug. I need to hear that I'm worth something.
Everyone has two sides to themselves: one they show to the world and one they keep to themselves.
She fell asleep on my chest. She slept peacefully for ten minutes but then, suddenly, her little hand balled up in a little fist. Her eyes squeezed shut. She started to breathe heavily. Her little body started to shake. Then, with a gasp, she woke up. I looked at her, confused but she just smiled at me. Like it happened every night.
I'll screw up. I'll push you away if we're getting too close. I won't trust you until you've proven yourself. I get hurt easily and take a lot of things personally. But I'll love you with everything I have, and if that isn't enough, then I'm not enough.
Every atom of me missed him.
When you walk away from someone and there's no gravitational pull, that's when you know you're doing the right thing.
"Dear Girls (from us guys)"
Don’t assume that guys won’t care where you are, because we do.
It makes us feel secure to know that our girlfriends aren’t off flirting with guys we’ve never heard of.
Also, don’t talk about your ex-boyfriends.
We never have, nor ever will respect or like them, nor do we want to hear about them.
When you do, you’re asking your boyfriend to be jealous.
You’re asking your boyfriend to lose trust.
On that, don’t hump everything that walks into the room.
We don’t care if you talk to other guys.
We don’t care if you’re friends with other guys.
But when you’re sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off.
It doesn’t help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we’re still there.
Also, when we tell you you’re pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it.
Don’t tell us we’re wrong.
We’ll stop trying to convince you.
The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.
Yeah, you can quote me.
Don’t be mad when we hold the door open.
Smile and say "thank you."
Let us pay for you.
Don’t "feel bad."
We enjoy doing it.
It’s expected.
Smile and say - everybody together now - "thank you."
Kiss us when no one’s watching.
If you kiss us when you know nobody’s looking we’ll be more impressed.
You don’t have to get dressed up for us.
If we’re going out with you in the first place, you don’t have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have, put on every kind of makeup you own.
We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are.
Don’t flirt with guys when we’re not around.
We’ll find out. Trust us.
We have eyes everywhere.
And when we find out, we’re pissed.
Not necessarily with the guys you flirted with, more-so with you.
Don’t take everything we say seriously.
Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it.
Don’t get angry easily.
Stop using magazines/media as your bible.
Don’t talk about how hot Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt is in front of us.
It’s boring, and we don’t care.
You have girlfriends for that.
Whatever happened to the word "handsome"?
Why does everything have to be "hot/sexy"?
I’d be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with "Hey handsome!" instead of "Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy" or whatever else you can think of.
Claiming girls or guys to be "hot" shows immaturity.
Girls, I cannot stress this enough: if you aren’t being treated right by a guy, don’t wait for him to change.
Ditch his sorry, disgrace-to-the-male-population ass, and find someone who will treat you with utter respect.
Someone who will honor your morals.
Someone who will make you smile when you’re at your lowest."
The hardest part is waking up in the morning is remembering what you had been trying so hard to forget last night.
In five years, will this matter?
All I know is that I want to dance with you at my wedding.
He'd never tell you, but he can play guitar.
She left, just like you did.
And you said, "It's a challenge not to give up on you."
All those other girls... Well, they're beautiful but would they write a song for you?
Let's go somewhere special where I can have you all to myself.
She says she's fine, but she's going insane. She says she feels good, but she's in a lot of pain. She says it's nothing, but its really a lot. She says she's okay, but really, she's not. 
You know what the difference between memories and promises is? We break promises and memories break us.
Put my Nikes on that laid on your bedroom floor, had them laced up and headed to the door.  Flipped the hoodie over my head,  and forgot everything you said.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today, I hate floor-burns.

No one can sing it like you.
He will never be completely yours because he will always carry a part of me.
I hope you drop a penny off of the Empire State building, and decide you really liked that penny, and jump after it. 
I know I have a heart because I can feel it breaking.
Sometimes I have doubts as to whether or not we'll work out but then you remind me of every reason we might.

But most of all, you were suppose to have been mine, but you never even gave me that chance.
But love, I've come to understand, is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day.
It would be so nice to wake up and see you tangled in the sheets next to me.
It's hard for decent people to stay angry at someone who has burst into tears, which is why it is often a good idea to burst into tears if a decent person is yelling at you. 

I can't talk to you anymore, it's not that I am mad at you, it's just that when I talk to you I realize how much I love you and when I realize how much I love you, I realize I can't have you and that makes me love you even more. 
You're the prettiest lady in my whole world.
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart do not know how to laugh either.
I don't miss him, I miss who I thought he was.
But as time went on, it was easier to understand what happened. It was hard to watch you sing and not fall in love with you. It was hard to watch you do anything and not fall in love with you. I'd like to believe the only reason I lost out is because you two were meant for each other. 
Be happy and have a good life.
The pain of having a broken heart is not so much as to kill you, yet not so little as to let you live.
The thing I miss the most is the early morning car rides with you.
I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
You can't ever let go of all the feelings but you need to let go of him.
I wonder, when you look into my eyes and watch my heart shatter, does it break your heart too, even crack it a little bit?
Most people are walking around, umbilical cord in hand, looking for a new place to plug it in.
A great love? It's when you shed tears for him but still you care for him. It's when he ignored you but you still long for him. It's when he starts loving another, and yet you manage a smile and find the courage to say "I'm happy for you."

I'm breaking my heart tonight to see what's inside of it.
I'm not over you because I don't like you anymore, I'm over you because I've realized that you're never going to want me like I want you.
And there you are... holding her hand... and I'm lost... trying to understand...
I want to be happy because he is happy but how can I be happy knowing that I'm not the one making him smile?

We talked about old times and it made me smile because you didn't forget.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Today, I hate non-waterproof mascara.

A friend will know by the sound of your voice, by the look on your face, by the way you walk, by the things you do, exactly what kid of day you're having
I want that can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, over the fence, world series kind of love.
Well I wrote our names a thousand times...just to see yours sitting next to mine.
There are three types of people in this world: the ones who keep you alive, the ones who would otherwise cause you to die, and the ones who somehow manage to do both at the same time.
Everything is beautiful from the eyes of a writer.
I am perfectly happy being his friend, in fact I love it... I just have this incredible urge to kiss him, that doesn't go away.. and this feeling that we would be perfect together.
Just when you think that nothing is going to make your day better, you turn the corner and see him waiting for you with a big smile on his face.
Growing up with you will always be one of my favorite memories.
It was just you and me. Two friends. And then with a simple look, my hand fell into yours.
It's amazing how we don't even speak that often, how you tell me we are just friends...but when we make eye contact, when I look into your big, gorgeous eyes, and you smile, I know, something has to be there.
Calling it a simple schoolgirl crush was like saying a Rolls Royce was a vehicle with four wheels, something like a hay wagon.
She lived with his face in her heart.
Unless it's mad, passionate, extraordinary love, It's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life. Love shouldn't be one of them.
I have fallen in love with you, it's as simple and as complicated as that.
You are the one person in the world who is necessary to me.
And you know what I like the best? How hours after you kiss me, I can still feel it on my lips.
If I had wings and I could fly, I'd still walk with you.
I'm gonna buy you 11 roses so when you look in the mirror you will see the 12 most beautiful things in the world.
Because when I'm around him, the sky's a different blue.
One boy, one girl, two hearts beating wildly. To put it mildly it was love at first sight. He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away, this was the day they had waited for all their lives. For a moment the whole world revolved around one boy and one girl.
You know you're in love when you want to tell everyone about it, even though they haven't asked.
I look at you and think, this is the way it's supposed to be. This is what I've been waiting for. This everything. You're my everything.
When you look into my eyes please know my heart is in your hands.
I swear the best thing is listening to someone's heartbeat and know its beating like that because of you.
She thought I was impossible, but she loved me anyway, which is the best sort of love there is.
"Where's home for you?" "Wherever she is,"
I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad, carry you around when your arthritis is bad. I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches, build you a fire if the furnace breaks. I'll miss you, kiss you, give you my coat when you are cold. Need you, feed you, I'll even let you hold the remote control. So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink, put you to bed when you've had too much to drink. All I wanna do is grow old with you. - Adam Sandler
Maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me
Old Mr. Webster could never define what's being said between your heart and mine.
Let’s start our lives right now. I have no idea what this life is gonna look like, but I know it has the both of us in it, and I choose us.
The entire sum of existence is the magic of being needed by just one person.
Saw this book and thought of you. Saw just about everything and thought of you.
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
Call it desperation, but can't you see it in my eyes. That I wanna be with you until the sun falls from the sky.
Her lips could tell him better than all her stumbling words.
That's your problem. You don't want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie
If you kiss me now, you'll fool me again.
The hardest part about breaking up, is the next day, opening your notebook only to see "I LOVE HIM" scribbled all over.
And she's just a stupid little girl with her hopes too high and feelings much too strong especially for a boy like him.
Even though I remind myself that we'll probably never be together...I still won't let myself fall for anyone else.
Don’t you miss the nights we talked for hours & I held the phone up to my music saying, "This is the part of the song that reminds me of us"
I hope you choke when you tell the next girl you love her.
She's a hopeless romantic and he's just hopeless.
"Snow White. Cinderella. All about wanting a guy, being saved by the guy It's Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Pocahontas. All about getting a guy. So basically we're screwed up because of Disney."
But we'll always have a history that won't let us forget about each other
You probably won't remember half the things that I’ll never forget
As you walked away all I wanted to do was hear, "I'll always love you,” one last time
Beautiful girl with pretty eyes, a hidden heart of hurt and lies. she sits alone in her bed and cries.. It's hard for her to realize... Love isn't all weak in the knees and butterflies.
In school they taught you everything from how the world started to how to prevent birth, yet, they forgot to teach how to mend a broken heart.
All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars
What can I do so you won't ever leave?
I have this connection with him, though he doesn't see it. It's like I turn around without a reason I can think of and he's either passing by or is standing nearby. I can pick him out of a crowd of over a hundred almost instantly sometimes. It's almost as if I can feel his presence.
I can make no apologies for following my heart.
Oh I just remembered how your hand fits the curve of my waist and how your smile fits the curve of my mind.
I never wanted the stars, never shot for the moon. I like them right where they are all I wanted was you.
She feared that he would ask her what that thumping sound was, and she would have to tell him that it was her heart.
He's not the kind of guy you date, he's the kind you marry.

Today, I hate accusations.

And I pray to God every night that the words you say are true because I'm afraid that I might lose you.
We've drifted away like leaves in the fall.
Every relationship is messed up but what makes it honorable is if you're still there when everything really sucks.
We wrote stories here that will never be told.
What if I'm falling out of love with you?
I never want you to think you're anything less than amazing.
I don't care and I'll keep telling myself that until it's true.
And nobody knows that I still fall asleep thinking about you.
Home is where I can look and feel ugly, and enjoy it.
There's a difference between goodbye and letting go. Goodbye is, "I'll see you again when I'm ready to hold your hand, and when you're ready to hold mine." Letting go is, "I'll miss your hand. I realized it's not mine to hold, and I will never hold it again."
Everybody does stupid things. It shouldn't cost them what they want most in life.

I hope that someday someone wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight. And that’s all they do. They don’t pull away, they don’t look at your face, they don’t try to kiss you. They just wrap you up in their arms, without an ounce of selfishness in it.
Go on and dream about whatever you need to dream about.
Today's the first day I never smiled.
It's not supposed to feel this way. I need you. I need you more and more each day.
If he takes time to argue with you, he cares more about you than you think.
Be not simply good. Be good for something.
Rise above the storm and find the sunshine.
You might think I'm bulletproof but I'm not.
Love isn't blind, it only sees what's important.
The world's a playground. You know that when you're a kid but, somewhere along the way, everyone forgets it.
You still mean everything to her but that's too much information.
Do not merely shine - but illuminate.

It is not wrong to love your friend unless you're asking too much of his time and you're acting as if you're committed with each other.
We've become strangers but we're strangers with a past.
We laugh together. We flirt more than ever. We seem so perfect, but you and me? never.
People don't play sports because its fun. Ask any athlete, most of them hate it, but they couldnt imagine their lives without it. It's part of them, the hate/love relationship. It is what they live for. They live for the practices, parties, cheers, long bus rides, invitationals, countless pairs of different shoes, water, gatorade, and coaches you hate but appreciate. They way it feels when you beat the team next to you by one point in over time, and you know those two extra sprints you did at practice paid off. They live for the way you become a family with your team, they live for the countless songs you sing, running ALL those suicides. They live for the competition, they live for the friends, the practices, the memories, the pain, its who they are, its who we are.
Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just having an allergic reaction to the universe.
The thought of it ending like this, like the way things are right now, it’s not how I want to remember us. Do you?
Let's make better mistakes tomorrow.
I hold me breathe and wait for your reaction.
The truth is I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart, and I never really got it back.
When you come back, love her like you used to. Its okay and she deserves it.
You get prettier everyday.
Jump and I will fall with you.
I guess that's what happens in the end, you start thinking about the beginning.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today, I hate trends.

All I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with you.
And he's making you scream with his hands on your hips.
Then, one day I kissed him on the cheek and said, "Thanks for everything."
Don't think you are alone. I am always with you. Close your eyes and feel my hands holding you.
I trip over words but then again, you're very aware of my lack of coordination.
I'll explain it all to you with alcohol and bad tattoos.
What if you wake up one day and you realize that you're the disappointment?
My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelery, which ever you prefer.
It's hard to explain how I am getting by on so little from you. It's hard to believe that I would let myself get so wrapped into you.
So kiss me hard. This might be the last time I let you.
Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember, I'll always remember the sound of the stereo, the dim of the soft lights, the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers and the time on the clock when we realized it's so late.
And color the coast with your smile. It's the most genuine thing that I've ever seen.
I begged you not to go. I begged you, I pleaded. Claimed you as my only hope, And watched the floor as you retreated.
I refuse to believe that someday, everything ends.
Even if you think the flame has died, there's at least one lyric that'll hit that last hot spot, and then you'll find yourself as screwed as you were the day you lied and said you never wanted to see her again.
You're a part time lover and a full time friend.
'This wouldn't be so hard if I didn't love him. There should be a pill you can take to make love go away.''Why would you want to make love go away? It's hard enough to find it in the first place.'
Maybe crying is a means of cleaning yourself out emotionally. Or maybe it’s your communication of last resort; the only way to express yourself when words fail the same as when you were a baby and had no words.
I loved the idea of you.
I might be stumbling a little on my way out, but I'm walking away... I'm moving on.
"I wonder what Piglet is doing," thought Pooh.  "I wish I were there to be doing it."
I hope when people look back on high school they think those two were always with each other. Because that is how I remember it. Me and you.
She will love you for her whole life.
Take your space and take your reasons but you'll think of me.
Everytime I try to leave, something pulls me back.
Don't pay attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches. :]
I hope her hand breaks when you hold it and I hope she's allergic to your kiss.
You're cute but disappointing. You're like a great picture but an okay article.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Today, I hate PMSing.

I don't know, it's like we're two halves of the same person, or something. And when we're apart we... we just aren't happy.
There is nowhere else i could imagine wanting to be besides here in this car, with this girl, on this road, listening to this song. 
A hug can turn your day around, it's like an emotional Heimlich.
It's pretty hard to believe after all these years, I still need you this badly.
Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine. 
I love that when I breathe you in you smell like cake batter. And I love that you have this insane way of talking in circles that makes perfect sense. 
Soul mate: two little words, one big concept. A belief that someone, somewhere, is holding the key to your heart.
He confessed; that when he grew up he wanted to grow up with her
But no matter what was going on in our lives, I could imagine lying beside her in bed at the end of the day, holding her while we talked and laughed, lost in each other's arms. - Nicholas Sparks, Dear John
Some people know they're meant to be together
Out the window is a blur and all I can really hear is this girl's hair flapping in the wind, and maybe if we drive fast enough the universe will lose track of us and forget to stick us somewhere else.
And sometimes I wear his sweatshirt even when I'm not cold.
For worse or for better, we're better together.
People don't change. They become more of who they are.
I remember what you wore the first day you walked into my life. You made me think, "Hey, this could be something."
I just wanna be the last thing you think about before you fall asleep.
I'm leaving because you never asked me to stay.
Do it today. It could be illegal tomorrow.
Do you know what girls want? They want real conversations and real love. We want cute dates together, nothing expensive, the truth is we only want to be with you. We want to hold hands and lie beneath the starts. We wanna be able to say something stupid and not worry about it. We want a guy that will love us for nothing but being us: plain and simple.
Don't say that you're sorry and I won't say I told you so.
You're There and I'm Here and There doesn't know how lucky he is.