Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today, we wrote Mission Statements.

This year's going to be different. I'm going to push myself when I feel like I've reached my limit. I'm going to listen when people tell me I've got potential I'm not taking advantage of. I'm going to stay happy, as much as I can, whenever I can. Whatever mistakes I make, I won't regret them, because chances are, I was smiling while I did them. Smiling is a beautiful thing and I will never ever regret a smile. I'm going to patch together the beautiful person that always patched me up whenever I crashed and burned. I'm going to finish what I start. I'm going to take life as it comes, and not worry about all the "Maybes". I'm going to follow my heart, but take my brain with me. And I'm going to laugh, laugh a lot. And whatever happens, I'm going to take deep breaths, remember who I am and who I want to be, and remind myself that in the end, life just works out.

Infinite X's and O's,
Susel Alina

This year's going to be better.
I will learn to bite my words when I feel the need to express my frustrations in someone.
I will try to  be patient with those I love and those that surround me.
I will be sympathetic with anyone who needs sympathy which, in reality, is everyone.
I will stop judging.
I will begin to love myself because if I don't, no one can truly love me.
I will treat myself with the respect and dignity I deserve and demand nothing less from everyone I have met and will meet.
I will get more sleep at night.
I will stop when it starts to hurt.
I will learn to play chess.
I will not resort to physical violence.
I will focus on helping others' problems instead of focusing on others' helping my problems.
I will find something that I love.
I will love my mommy more.
I will fight with my daddy less.
I will hug more often.
I will use vocabulary words that make me feel smart.
I will stop cussing.
I will be someone's role model.
I will write a story, from start to finish.
I will enter a door, in the presence of a man, only if he is holding it for me.
I will offer to hold the door for any female company I am with.
I will start washing my face.
I will make sure that the people I love know I love them.
I will spend more time with people who make me laugh.
I will introduce myself to anyone I feel is worth meeting.
I will not blame my parents because I know they're trying their best.
I will tell myself that I'm beautiful.
I will not stop holding my breath but I will always remember to breathe.
And I will be better than just "okay."
Jessy Princhescy :]

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