Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today, I hate irrational acts.

Will the love continue if my walk becomes a crawl?
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted.
Think of how different things would be if you hadn't met that one person who changed everything.
There's that occasional night when you just break down because you know things will never be the same.
Today's forecast: partly cloudy with a chance of heartbreak.
I just miss you so much and you're not even gone yet.
Don't tell me not to walk away when you're the one who taught me how.
Moving on is simple... it's what you leave behind that's hard.
And my theory was that if I looked pretty enough, he wouldn't be able to break my heart.
She finally stopped playing their song when she realized she was dancing alone.
Love all. Trust few. Do wrong to no one.
It's just another night; another dream wasted on you.
I should've been your everything. 
You know the words so sing along for me, baby.
Tell me that if I die right now, you'd never be the same.
Everyone hurts you. Don't hold it against them.
She smiled in a big way. The way a girl like that smiles when the world is hers.
My heart's breaking before I know what's happening.
I want to hold hands and waste Friday nights with you.
I close my eyes and beg for peace.
This is the first time the shaking isn't fake.
She lent him her heart for a day. He never gave it back. To this day he’s unable to decide if it was his inner pickpocket talking, or just his fondness for bright, shiny toys.
He calls her ribs xylophone keys and plays music on them with not-quite-careful fingertips.
She tasted that lie on the tip of her tongue, and found that she did not mind the taste.
True love is like a pair of socks. You must have two that match.
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight.
He stole my heart so I'm stealing his last name.
His hello was the end of her endings. Her laugh was the first step down the aisle. His hand would be hers to hold forever. His forever was as simple as her smile. He said she was what was missing. She said she instantly knew. She was a question to be answered, and his answer was I do.
It's funny how we were best friends for so long, but never had that "spark," until your leg accidentally brushed up against mine. 
I sang the songs that I wrote you. 
Girl: Your new girlfriend is pretty. I bet she stole your heart.
Boy: Yeah...she is. But you're still the most beautiful girl I know.
Girl: I hear she's funny and amazing. All the stuff I wasn't.
Boy: She sure is. But she's nothing compared to you.
Girl: I bet you know everything about her by now. Like how you knew just about everything about me.
Boy: Only the stuff that count. I can't even remember the stuff she tells me when I think of you.
Girl: Well...I hope you guys last. Cause we never did.
Boy: I hope we do too. Whatever happened to me and you?
Girl: Well I gotta go. Before I start to cry.
Boy: Yeah me too. I hope you don't cry.
Girl: Bye. I still love you... 

Boy: Later. I never stopped.
They say time heals everything, but I'm still waiting.
I don't wanna know that something I didn't say could have saved us. I don't want there to be things left undone because maybe if I had kiss you a little bit harder, or held you a little tighter I wouldn't have driven you away.
I like dead end signs. I think they're kind. At least they have the decency to let you know when you're going nowhere.
Eventually one of two things will happen: He'll realize you're worth it or you'll realize he isn't.
I'll sing you every song I know if it will make you want to stay.  And then i'll say that I missed you. And these words, they'll convince you.
The truly painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said, and never explained.
And my hands are glued right by my side, but they’re aching just to touch you.
I was nothing more than your favorite soundtrack. I was played 'til I skipped and scratched on nearly ever track. You pulled me out whenever you needed something for a party or when life hurt you a little too much. Well, I'm touched, but I'd rather be more than background music.

Someday, you're going to end up all alone and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
"Well, your eyes are puffy. which, from experience, screams textbook crying eyes. You have your hair up, you're probably not planning on impressing any boys today. I'd say you're nursing a hell of a broken heart. And not the school girl crush kind. You're dealing with the real thing."

If I lay here, will you lay with me?

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