Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Today, I hate salutations.

TpI like that you ramble when you're nervous. I like that you know you ramble when you're nervous. I like that I still make you nervous.
I have to admit it, boy. I have a bad habit and, baby, that's you.
Because once upon a time, we were best friends. And, yes, there's been a lot of bad things happening, but none of that matters right now. You need me, I'm there. Any time, any place, anywhere.
She's a girl. A sixteen-year-old beauty on the brink of freedom. A rebellious child with everything to lose. Just another confused youth who thinks she's special, because she listens to bands whose names have more words than some sentences. She pretends not to care, and most of the time, she gets away with it. But the truth is, no one could care more than she does. She pretends to hate herself more than she really does. And she's scared to remember the past, but even more scared to forget it. [I normally dislike quotes like this but this one spoke to me...]
Love your enemies just in case your friends turn out be a bunch of bastards.
I know it all seems wrong but, baby, we're invincible.
There's nothing scarier than getting what you want the most because then you have everything to lose.
Her mom calls her sunshine because she's always had a smile. Let me tell you something, I've seen your daughter in an alleyway, drunk and stoned. I still remember the day sunshine turned cloudy.
Its only a matter of time. Until you like him. Until you love him. Until you date him. Until he breaks your heart, and you can't take it anymore, you just... Its only a matter of time.
Here's to the night I stood alone, to the night I cried so hard i couldn't breathe, to the night i prayed for him to come back to me, and of course to the night where he never looked back.
But I swear, this girl's a mess you could sell.
You look like I need another drink.
It's nothing but a smile but it gets me every time. It's 2:27 and i'm calling you. I've been upset all night and you're the only one who gets it. I know i'm not the greatest person in the world, and i don't deserve someone as great as you; but i love you, my best friend.
Sometimes, I catch myself wondering where you are and how you're doing.
There's always something more you wish he'd say.
And he said, "I would love to marry you."
He knew he made a mistake. You could see it in his face every time she walked into the room. He wished he hadn't done that to her.
Think of how differently everything would have turned out if you had never met that one person who changed everything.
He was never in my vocabulary until one day, he became the only word my heart knew.
You didn't intentionally break my heart; you even said you were sorry, but i cried anyway. I know the truth that you're too scared to admit. You're with her, and when you look at her, you can’t remember my name.
The greatest war ever fought is the war in the mind of a girl, young and in love - between her mind screaming a warning, telling her, "There's no such thing as fairy tales", and her heart quietly whispering, "You never know..."
I wish you would just show up on my doorstep. Not with anything special, just you. And when I’d open the door, you’d smile. And while I’m trying to figure out what the hell you’re doing here, you’d tell me how hard the past months have been, how much you’ve thought about me, how much you regretted everything. And then you’d take me into your arms and ask me to forgive you, and I would without hesitation.
Its like I can't hold you close enough.
And I dont understand by the way you look at me, why we can't be together.

I miss you. Not enough to want you back, just enough for it to hurt.
There are so many things I'm not sure of in life, but with all certainty at this very minute, all I know is that I miss him.

You hurt me so bad, but maybe it's my fault because I stuck around too long.

I still love him with every ounce of my heart, I just dont let it get to me anymore.
It takes two to tango but one to let go.

Let me ruin your life, let me break your heart, then I'll ask you why we can't be friends. Let me rip your world into little pieces, let me destroy who you thought you were, and then I'll ask if we can be friends.

I opened my heart to you. I can't just stand around like a fool, waiting for you to be ready.
And sometimes your heart takes you to places that can never lead to a happy ending.

It's like the hidden secret that no one tells you.  We can all be beautiful girls.  It's like Dorothy clicking her heels to go home. You could do it all along.
I should have told you from the start. I will let you down.
Poets often describe love as an emotion that we can’t control, one that overwhelms logic and common sense, that’s what it was like for me. I didn’t plan on falling in love with you, and i doubt if you planned on falling in love with me, but once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening to us, we fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created, for me love like that has happened only once, and that’s why every minute we spend together has been saved in my memory, I’ll never forget a single moment of it. –The Notebook 
People think that if you love somebody hard enough then everything is just gonna work out. People are wrong.

~The romantics would call this a love story, the cynics would call it a tragedy.~

Don't be flattered that he misses you.  He should miss you.  You're deeply missable.  However, he's still the same person who just broke up with you.  Remember, the only reason he can miss you is because he's choosing, every day, not to be with you.
The ones who love us least are the ones we'll die to please
If you don't fall in love, you can't get hurt... but it sure is lonely all by yourself 
Don't say we aren't right for each other, the way I see it is... we aren't right for anyone else 
I live to like you and I can't like you anymore. So, when you get your heart splattered all over hell and you're feeling really low and dirty, don't run to me to help pull you back up because, maybe, for the first time in your life, I won't be there.

You want a man who will lead you down the beach with his hand over your eyes just so you can discover the feel of sand under your feet. You want a guy that will wake you up ay dawn just bursting to talk to you. Can't wait another minute to just to find out what you'll say. Am I right?
 I want your input on video rentals. I stand there for hours, I can't pick anything out.

She's a pretty typical teenager. Angry, insecure, confused. I wish I could tell her that's all going to pass, but I don't want to lie to her.

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