Monday, December 14, 2009

Today, I hate assumptions.

She's an ordinary girl with a beautiful gift.
No matter what your relationship status is, everyone has someone they'd marry tomorrow if they asked today.
She still wanted to bake him cookies like she always did, but now she wanted him to taste the dough from her fingers. She still wanted to read to him, but she wanted him to lie his head on her stomach while she did it. She still never wanted to leave when she was at his house, but not to stay up as late as possible, just to curl up in his bed with him and sleep.
Its better to cross the line and suffer the consequences than to stare at the line for the rest of your life.
She straightens her hair, puts on her eyeliner, glosses her lips, and takes one last look in the mirror all for a boy who will never care.
There's a little seriousness behind ever JK, a little curiousity behind every JW, a little knowledge behind ever IDK, and a little emotion behind every IDC.
Imagine a future moment in your life where everything’s perfect… you know, the greatest moment of your life and you get to experience it with one person… who’s standing next to you? [That's my Nicole.]
Be nice to everyone you meet. They're fighting a battle you know nothing about.
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
And just like that, my day was turned around.
Because smiling is the second best thing you can do with your lips.
We all have our time machines. The ones that take us back are called memories. The ones that take us forward are called dreams.
Beauty is measured by the size of your heart, not by the size of your pants.
It's better we're not talking anymore, not pretending everything is okay. Because, for once, I feel like you're not faking your feelings for me.
One heartbreak. Two eyes crying. Three words never said again. Four hands that won't be held. Five mornings you'll pass in the halls. Six love notes, ripped and torn. Seven days a week you'll think of him. Eight sad songs a night before bed. Nine wishes that never came true. Ten years before he realizes you were the one.

P.S. In New Moon, Bella says, "He [Jake] makes me feel better. I mean, he makes me feel alive. The hole in my chest... well, when I'm with Jake it's like it's almost healed for a while." Well, this is how Christian makes me feel. Sure, my life still has its problems and I still get a little blue sometimes, or a lot of the time, but when I'm talking to Christian, the pain goes away. He's my big distraction when life is overwhelming me. He can always make me laugh when I don't want to. He has me pouring out my heart so easily. Its like, he just understands. I can't scare him away even though he's seen the worst of me. He knows me better than anyone else in this world and he still loves me. When I hug him, he makes me feel safe and I never, ever want to let go. Words can not describe how dearly I hold Christian in my heart. Christian has been my best friend since the end of 8th grade. I don't know how I went on before without him. Maybe I could get by without him previously, but no way in all of hell would I be able to live without him now. I love you, Christian Diego Martinez. - Jessica Christian Folck [I would chose you.]

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